Help - Climate Pred / BOINC

29 Aug 2003

I'm not new to this, done seti for years did play with boinc when it first came out but drifted away from the scene - I have been reading about the climate prediction and this has got me very interested again - rather waste energy trying to fix our problems than wasting it looking 'out there'

I don't have broadband due to the location of my residence, home net access is solely through mobile phone - can anyone tell me if this is a register once or is it work unit based like seti?

Obviously if there are a lot of packets needing to fly about it would not be feasible.

Cheers for any answers
The BBC CPDN work unit I have is estimated to take 78 days on a AMD Athlon 64 3000+

The work unit will trickle data back after a certain number of calculations but it's not nescasary, it will quite happily wait till it's finished upload in one go and get another WU theres a deadline of 1 year to complete my work unit as well.

The download is reasonably small and the upload at the end is 10MB I think, but you will need perhaps a 1GB or more of Hard disk space (don't quote me on that) as the work unit slowly completes, I've done 0.86% and it's used 463.5 MB already
cheers for the info I will get downloading then!

That does sound a lot of drive space for it (not that I am short but still)

Be nice to get the computer doing something constructive again!

Can anyone tell me how large the complete download for this and or boinc? I basically want to know if I could download it or home or do it at work and burn it

It wont be much more than 15 to 20 mb, the boinc client is 10 mb and the download for the climate experiment is only small. :)
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