Help convince me to spend £1000+

16 Jul 2008
For awhile I have been having a ongoing war to upgrade my pc, even posting a spec me thread of my own awhile ago here even brought windows 7 and Street Fighter 4 for my new build and still yet to buy anything.

So what the drama about I hear you say, well few years ago I brought a gaming laptop:
2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo T7200;
1GB DDR2 RAM; 120GB hard drive;
256MB nVidia GeForce Go 7600 graphics card;

Currently it handles all the Design and Development applications I use (SQL Server, Eclipse, Flash, 3d Max, Maya, Photoshop, Illustrator etc) and it is decent when it comes to multitasking.

Seems to handle most of the games that I play maybe not all at full spec(Counter Strike Source, Warcraft 3, Half Life 2, Fear, Prey, Call to Juarez, Oblivion etc)

However I would love to play some of these next generation games at high spec, but every time am about to purchase I think why should I spend so much just to play the likes of Crysis or run Oblivion at full spec...........................

HELP convince me........................................
If you feel you are going to make good use of a new system then Buy it, Simples.

I definitely feel I make use of the system as it will improve on gaming, but like I said £1000+(need everything, monitor, keyboard, speakers etc) does seem expensive to play games, was hoping someine would throw something in the equation apart from the games improvement factor....................
Well this is what I was thinking of if I was to buy as shown below:


Was hoping to keep it more closer to the £1000 mark but ended up being £1500 :eek:
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