Help! Crashing after new RAM....

8 Nov 2003
I have an Athlon 64x2 3500 and an Abit AV8. I have just upgraded from 1Gb Ballistix PC4000 ram to Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3200C2PT TwinX (2x1GB) CAS2.

My system is not overclocked at all and I just wanted more RAM as I use photoshop a lot.

Installed the RAM last night and the machine is now unstable. BSoD and Hard Resets!!

I have tried runnng it with SPD, Auto and Manual settings and Auto seems the best.

Any ideas? I have not touched anything else, why cant things just work.

I tried it at 2.7v and it was better. Now trying 2.8v, no crashes yet. Will keep you informed.
Just hard reset again!

The settings are on auto, do you think I should manually put the settings in for what the memory is rated?
The RAM is capable of 2-3-3-6 but what does that relate to on my board. I have many more RAM options than that!

I know 2 is CAS2 but what about the rest?

Cheers for the help guys.
Didnt get into windows at those timings!!

Not tried memtest yet.

when I select by spd it runs really slow timings. I thought the timings on the spd were the proper ones eg 2-3-3-6.

I have I been given the wrong sticks.
Is the latest bios worth putting on? I am about 4 bios's out of date. Do they affect memory.
Put my old memory back in now and is running fine. I always run at default (200MHz).

I have tried all settings. I left Memtest for a while and no errors came up.

I think its just compatability.

I havnt tried the bios yet as my hard drive is not showing up on the dos prompt so i need to put the bios stuff on a floppy.
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