help deciding domain name

12 Feb 2006
this site is for my portfolio of work, im stuck with what domain name to choose.

the name of the site is Mammalian Media, and i wanted to have the simple name, but i just found out it's taken, along with choice b,, leaving me with just but i don't like how long it is. Can i get some opinions on that name, is it too long, i think theres too many m's for it to be easily remeberable.

any other ideas for a name that resemables mammalian media?

the site will have my portfolio of websites i have built, free templates, and graphic work if that helps.

thanks guys
i dont like the .net or .org as atleast for me i never remember if a site is net and org, but alwyas .com and as they are far more common. Also again this is only my opinion but i feel like a .com name is the name for a website, but .net .org is like a cheap copy. i know that sounds so stupid but its just i never see a big website with .net or .org, just with .com so to me thats how a website should end.

again i know that probably made no sense and if it did it sounded complete rubbish

don't know where to put this, nice work OcUK with the changed logo, though i think you could have made a better one and done something a little more then just a simple logo change as that seems to be what everyone does these days. maybe extra xmas deals ;)
I think Mammalian is a bad enough name as it is.. subject to many differing spelling "guesses". etc

If it were me I'd go with the full name, at least it makes sense, and there doesn't seem to be any other option anyway :)
yeah ok i've gone with the full name.

the spelling thing was a concern of mine as i was spelling it wrong aswell at first, spelling it mammalion lol.

what im thinking though is that hardly ever will people do a search for my website by searching mammalian, nor will they probably by typing the in the address to get to mine, im thinking that most people will be linked to it either by searching something like free templates etc, or by seeing from reciprical linking, so i guess the name then isn't that important
You could get, and use the ma. subdomain as your portfolio site ( Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue though...
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