Help diagnosing a Dying (now dead) TV

8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
Model Is HERE

Friends TV screen has slowly been going black, mostly in the top area, over a 3 month period.
Strange shadowing and all kinds of contrast problems.

It died yesterday and now its purely black screen.

We did a light test, shining it onto it and the picture is still visible so would that suggest a back light issue?

Now rather than ditch the TV straight away i suggested it might be fixable with a simple replacement of "something" Hes up for trying it but as we are both relative novices at fault diagnosing screens, i thought id ask here to guide us in the right direction. Plus the part has to come from either Germany or France so its going to cost enough in shipping as it is......

With a slowly degrading picture like that would it be safe to assume its the power side of things being a problem? Back light inventor, or whatever it is called?

I know all LED TVs are different but i assume they follow the same basic component layouts?

We will have to replace the entire power board, i assume that has all the parts and components that could have degraded over time? He said the thing has been pretty much switched on nonstop for 2 years :P

Is there another possible component that could cause this failure over that time frame?

Appreciate the advice.

Hes happy to have 1 gamble on a replacement part its just which one it most likely could be.
Im not sure but is it possible the inverter is part of the brown power board (top left area near the cable connector) ? Ill go google about for parts.
I can get more info tomorrow.
From my experience of laptops the inverter is usually a long thin board, but i guess thats not visible here, that cable goes upto the panel connector. Maybe theres something up there he missed.
Can you get model numbers off those boards, the brown board is the main board, what about the small green board to our left a d the bigger board on the right. Get numbers for all boards.
I thought invertor was exclusively with a ccfl backlight ? but look at my earlier posts on replacing philips t-con boards
I thought invertor was exclusively with a ccfl backlight ? but look at my earlier posts on replacing philips t-con boards
i have searched through your post history but i cant find anything :( Can you point me to them please.
eg. tcon is the keyword
see this discussion on tcon boards to determine if that might be what is faulty

also see this which discusses power supplies.

if it is the tcon then need to determine what specific board it is, will be something like this

I took a gamble on a tcon (some vendors sell 2nd hand without really having been able to test them, so i have sent a few back)
Taking the tv apart and installing them is a bit tricky (but fun)

... at the end of the day I payed £5 probably took 3 hours first time and a new tv of same quality would have cost >£300
if it is power supply then purchasing&replacing capacitors is a lot more involved needing intricate soldering, and a new 2nd hand board will probably be £30 if you can find one and a less economic proposition
He bought a new TV.... Im gonna get the broke one and replace the tcon board. See what happens, but it's way down my priority list just now.
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