I'm putting together a cheap HTPC, and I've run into a problem. I've got it all up and running, using the onboard graphics, and installed XP mCE. When I try to plug in the PCI-e graphics card the system powers up but sends no image to the monitor(via any graphics card connection or the onboard).
I don't have another pc with a PCI-E slot or a spare PCI-E graphics card to test. The graphics card specs only require a 300w psu, and the case has a 380.
So...I'm stuck...
It could be the mobo pci-e slot, graphics card or psu, but I can't think of any way to test without buying spares :/
If anyone has any ideas they'd be most welcome.
I'll paste a list of the components incase someone can spot anything I haven't noticed.
HTPC specs-------------------
CPU- Sempron 3400+
Mobo- Foxconn 6100M2MA-RS2H SKT AM2 nForce 6100 onboard VGA PCI-E SATAII mATX
Memory-1x Kingston 1GB DDR2 667MHz
HD- 500gb HitachiDeskstar...
Graphics-Radeon HD 2400
Case- NSK2400
I'm putting together a cheap HTPC, and I've run into a problem. I've got it all up and running, using the onboard graphics, and installed XP mCE. When I try to plug in the PCI-e graphics card the system powers up but sends no image to the monitor(via any graphics card connection or the onboard).
I don't have another pc with a PCI-E slot or a spare PCI-E graphics card to test. The graphics card specs only require a 300w psu, and the case has a 380.
So...I'm stuck...
It could be the mobo pci-e slot, graphics card or psu, but I can't think of any way to test without buying spares :/
If anyone has any ideas they'd be most welcome.
I'll paste a list of the components incase someone can spot anything I haven't noticed.
HTPC specs-------------------
CPU- Sempron 3400+
Mobo- Foxconn 6100M2MA-RS2H SKT AM2 nForce 6100 onboard VGA PCI-E SATAII mATX
Memory-1x Kingston 1GB DDR2 667MHz
HD- 500gb HitachiDeskstar...
Graphics-Radeon HD 2400
Case- NSK2400