Help! Dual monitor setup has messed things up!

14 Aug 2023
United Kingom
Hey - I went to use dual monitors and connected both of them from my PC via DP cables. I then set it to extend displays. So far so good.

I then went to play a game and it was only on the original monitor. The other monitor just displayed my desktop.

I viewed a video saying to get around this you can go to Nvidia control panel and set it up there using the configure surround physics.

I did this and it’s completely messed up the resolution and ways the displays appear. I tried to revert to default settings in the Nvidia control panel but it didn’t make any difference.

How can I most easily revert all of this to how I had it before (Acer Predator and Dell monitors)? And ideally, how can I get a game to run across both monitors in a better way?

Thank you for your help in advance - let me know if any other information is needed!
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you can use nvidia sorround to use them as one monitor but with 2 monitors you will hate it.. as everything in the centre will be covered with the frame of the monitores
In nv control panel, turn off surround. It is for 3+ monitors.
In windows set the resolutions to recommended.
Use extended display.
Games don't go on multiple monitors very well, if you want to spread them across many screens, you want an odd number of screens so that the centre of your view is a whole screen, not the bezels of the monitors.
Unless its supreme commander forged alliance, in which case they actually put some effort in. There are a few other games too, but it's very rare.
Can also try just playing in windowed mode across the displays, or separate windows on each screen if multi boxing or whatever.
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