Help, Enter Key is not functioning properly

17 Nov 2004
The Republic
Hi All.

I have a weird issue with my Keyboard at the moment. Currently using ROG Claymore keyboard which has two enter keys.

If I use the main enter key then it's like a short cut gets executed where the cursor will return to the search bar and then a string of letters are typed. m,nbvcxvnmk,l. Same if I use the search bar in windows.

However, if I press enter on the KeyPad then the enter function works normally. I have uninstalled the keyboard, reinstalled drivers but alas the same issue. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Clean the keyboard
Turn it upside down too and give it a good shake
Sometimes something gets under the key

That's weird. Two things, I did remove all of the keys and cleaned the keyboard BEFORE this started happening. Second thing, Windows did a driver update as well last night specifically for this keyboard only :s
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