Could anyone with Microsoft Project do me a favour please?
I have a MS Project file (.mpp), which was created at Uni, I don't have Project at home, but I need information from it (I didn't create it myself) for a group assignment...could someone please load it into Project and export it to a XML file and then send it to me? as I can then import it into a Task Planner on Linux to play with...
Many thanks for anyone who can do this for me,
File located > http://www.geocities.com/darkjediuk/swan.zip - right click and 'Save as'.
e-mail > darkjedi247[AT]hotmail[DOT]com
thanks again.
Could anyone with Microsoft Project do me a favour please?
I have a MS Project file (.mpp), which was created at Uni, I don't have Project at home, but I need information from it (I didn't create it myself) for a group assignment...could someone please load it into Project and export it to a XML file and then send it to me? as I can then import it into a Task Planner on Linux to play with...
Many thanks for anyone who can do this for me,
File located > http://www.geocities.com/darkjediuk/swan.zip - right click and 'Save as'.
e-mail > darkjedi247[AT]hotmail[DOT]com
thanks again.