I've got a spare Opty 148 skt939 proc and X800 GTO card so am building a media center PC primarily to record telly.
Cant work out what case to go for at all! I really want something the same'ish dimensions of the DVD recorder that it'll be replacing but keep seeing nice cases only to find they only fit half height cards or fall short in some other area such as mobo requirements.
My criteria are:
- Looks slick, preferably shiny black
- Same dimensions (or near enough) to a standard home dvd player
- Will take a normal ATX skt 939 mobo
- Will take a full height PCI-E card and dual TV tuner.
Has anyone here built a media center PC? and if so do they have any recommendations/cases to steer clear of?
Is something like the one at the bottom of: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/Antec_Cases.html the sort of thing i'm after?
Cant work out what case to go for at all! I really want something the same'ish dimensions of the DVD recorder that it'll be replacing but keep seeing nice cases only to find they only fit half height cards or fall short in some other area such as mobo requirements.
My criteria are:
- Looks slick, preferably shiny black
- Same dimensions (or near enough) to a standard home dvd player
- Will take a normal ATX skt 939 mobo
- Will take a full height PCI-E card and dual TV tuner.
Has anyone here built a media center PC? and if so do they have any recommendations/cases to steer clear of?
Is something like the one at the bottom of: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/Antec_Cases.html the sort of thing i'm after?