Help fixing pc ...

9 Jan 2012
Gonna try make this as short but detailed as possible.

Pc -
Asus 99x pro motherboard
ballistic 32gb ram
980ti chill hybrids x2 gpus
5960x cpu
1000w power supply.

Last night I accidentally changed on my monitor the connection type from display port to HDMI (instead of turning my monitor off directly) however as I was tired i didn't know (Important for later)

So come to turn my pc on this morning and boom. No signal. So I tried restarting my pc...nothing. I then started unplugging all my usb inputs one by one. Again nothing.
Finally I decided to take apart my pc. Both gpus, all my ram, all sata etc.
Nothing worked. Each time I took a part out e.g. one gpu, the Motherboard Q code changed from 61 to 62 to 64 to Ad. Eventually I reset my cmos by taking out the battery and again..nothing.

Finally I was googling on threads and someone on here kinda did the same thing and he realised that the monitor thing had changed (what I wrote at the start).
So I put it all back together changed from HDMI to DP but still...nothing. *no input signal* Still.

Finally I took all but one ram out and finally it booted up bios (but couldn't load into windows)

At this point I had to leave for work, though finish in a hour)

I'm guessing as I cleared cmos all my overclocking was wiped, but also the bios I was using? I'm guessing i have to flash and update my bios back to the newest one again, which I'm fine doing, but that doesn't quite explain why it only boots into bios with only one of my 4 sticks of ram in...

Basically asking if 1) what I'm assuming with updating my bios should fix my Windows load problem and 2) if anyone knows about my ram issue (I don't have any other ram to test if anyone suggests) but everything has been working perfectly for 2 years nearly when I bought the pc.
Stupid mistake click with the monitor x.x
Clearing the cmos will only have cleared your settings. It will not have changed which bios version you have installed.

Then I'm at a big loss of what's changed =/..

I'll text thins again when I get home. It should theoretically work fine then but..pretty sure it didn't boot with more than 2 ram sticks (that's even to bios) and why it won't boot past to Windows i dunno then =/
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Not too sure how to work images but here's a link to something I just got

Basically I tried to load into windows with one stick of ram - just froze on the Asus loading screen.

I then put in two sticks of ram. The motherboard literally restarting about 2 seconds after I clicked turn on, it came up with this error.

It then self restart after about 30 seconds and weirdly it loaded up windows where I'm currently typing this reply.

I'm currently downloading onto a USB the windows 10 recovery/repair and I'll run it through with that aswell as saving whatever work I need saving onto a external harddrive encase it just goes.

I'll try sticks 3/4 in a little while once the repair has installed to my USB.
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