Help! Have Windows CD to reformat but drive doesn't work!

17 Jun 2005
My sister's laptop has REALLY screwed up now. I need to reinstall Microsoft Office because it's just messed up (it outputs the Pilcrow sign for the return key, and spaces come up as dots). I was thinking just to reformat the whole laptop.. then I forgot why I never did that many months ago.. the CD-ROM drive is dead! It's been dead for about a year I reckon. I've got the original Windows CDs etc. but I can't reformat without the drive! I don't intend buying an external one. Waste of money. I have an external hard drive if that helps.. is there any thing I can do?

Nothing particularly easily that I can think of, do you have an adapter for 2.5" laptop hard drives to 3.5" normal hard drives? If so then it is a simple matter of starting the install on the laptop hard drive then transplanting into the laptop. Other than that if you know how to install using remote access that might work but the fact you are asking suggests you don't and I'm afraid I only have the vaguest idea that it might be possible.
You are aware that its an option to toggle 'visible character's for normally invisible ones? She's probably just hit a hotkey that enables it.

It will just be a word option to disable the dot/pilcrow. Its not a 'screw up at all' its just a toggleable option for word. Trying to find the key to toggle it. Assuming you didnt already reformat.

Ok, While in word, you should be able to press CRTL+* (Ctrl *) to hide the dots, and pilcrow. Or just press the Pilcrow on the toolbar to hide formatting.
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