Help : Home remote access from PC to PC

15 Mar 2005
Hello everyone, is it possible for me to:

Remote desktop access FROM a Window 7 PC to a Windows 10 Pro PC on the same 192.x.x.x home wireless network?

I have full admin access, these are not work or protected installations.

If yes, how do I do it?

Download and install NoMachine onto each pc.
Designate the Win10 PC as the server and the Win7 as client - they should automatically discover each other.
Open NoMachine on the Win7 PC and connect to the Win10 PC.
Job's a good 'un.
Do you have passwords on both machines to log in? If not, firstly you'll need to configure a registry entry to allow no password logons.

3 main things to check.
On the W7 machine, check that the middle option is selected on remote tab of the System Properties dialog
On the W10 machine check RDP is enabled.
On the W10 machine ensure RDP is allowed through the firewall.

No need to mess around with additional software when Windows does it for you :confused:
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