Help - hosting fee charges

11 Jun 2006
TLDR: Paid for hosting in 2011 for 1 year but its still ongoing and I have never been contacted to date can they force me to pay?

I setup a website for a friend and paid £50 for the domain names in and .com as well as the hosting package.

I received an invoice in August 2011 informing me of the £50 total cost for 1 year web hosting and the domain names for 2 years.

I was then never contacted by my friend who wanted the website or the hosting company again until now (years later). My friend has asked me to update the website which I was unaware was still running as it was only paid for for the 1 year.

Its now 2014 and the hosting is still going until 2015.

The hosting company has automatically renewed hosting without contacting me or providing me any invoices or further requests for payment from 2011.

I only paid up until this date and expected it to be terminated but they still have the website ongoing, they havent requested payment but I fear they may in 2015 when it runs out and have a massive bill which I didnt agree and it doesnt state anywhere on their site or invoice.

I initially paid via paypal gift and they seem like an amater site/company and the website on the invoice isnt even working at the minute.

Can they force me to pay as I didnt agree to any of this and its not in any terms stated. I'm worried if I dont pay then what can they do?
Last edited:
11 Jun 2006
All i am worried about is if they turn around and say I owe them £200 or something when I only asked for 1 year.

Would they be able to force me to pay?
11 Jun 2006
Thanks for the clear and concise information.

I wont bring it up with them as it said absolutely nothing about auto renew and paid using paypal gift anyway.

I was just worried about a debt collection agent picking it up or anything negative coming from it
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