Help identify a song.

4 Aug 2006
Heard this song in full yesterday - great song.

It's clearly been an influence on various songs (that guitar riff especially) but the (verse) vocals have been copied very closely by another song and I can't work out what this other song is.

Today it occured to me that the song I'm thinking of isn't sung by a woman but by a man in falsetto, and may also use the dual harmony trick used in Minnie Riperton's song.

Any ideas? I'm guessing the song is from the last 25 years and is by a quite popular pop / soul artist. NB - it isn't a cover or sample of Les Fleurs but just copies the vocal style / melody.
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All those examples are covers / previous versions / samples.

This is a different song which rips off the vocal melody / style.
A sample is when you physically take part of one song and use it in another song. To 'rip off' I mean basically you change it a bit and put it in your own song.

Sample - lots of Hip Hop.
Rip off - Elastica's Waking up vs Strangler's No More Heroes.
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