help identifying a song

23 Oct 2002
This is probably the sketchiest description of a song ever, but it's played in clubs quite often, is cheesy, and has a refrain which lacks words but goes "da da da, da da da, da da da da da da" to which the crowd normally sing along.

Any suggestions? Pretty random, I know..
Does it go "De do do do do, de da da da is all I want to say to you.." ?

If so then it's De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da - The Police. :)
Given the time of year it may be chris deburgh's A spaceman came travelling

edit: just reread and the club bit puts a kabosh on my suggestion. what style of music is the song your after?
Wouldn't be Kylie Minogue would it, Can't Get You Out Of My Mind? It's got that bit that goes "la la la, la la la la la, la la la".

Aint it the electro tune?

goes something like "Funkin on top, on top, on top to the music, electro non stop non stop bla bla bla blaa bla."

then it goes ba da ba ba, ba ba, ba ba, ba,ba da ba :D
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