Help identifying film

5 Feb 2009
I have a scene stuck in my head from a film that I can't identify, and it's driving me a bit nuts.

All I have in my mind's eye is a memory of a couple sitting at a table in restaurant, and I think the man is trying to impress the woman when a violinist comes to their table and starts playing to them. The guy, wanting him to leave them alone, surreptitiously starts pouring wine from a bottle on the table down the violinist's trousers. It takes a while for him to notice, at which point he just squelches away.

I have a feeling it's a 60s or 70s film, but I could be mistaken on that.

Anyone any idea what film is this?
Citizen Kane?

Damn you, had to rewatch the whole film and it wasn't in there!

It's Mel Brooks' The Producers (1967)

Of course it is!!! D'oh. I couldn't fathom why this scene had such familiarity yet I couldn't place it. The Producers is one of my favourite films, which I've seen over and over again over the years, but I've not watched it for many years now. Thanks! :D
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