Help installed XBMC Live 10

16 Oct 2007
Hi all,

I was running Xmbc Live 9, worked great.

Saw 10 was out, fancied a go on that.

* Downloaded the ISO and burnt to DVD.
* Put in media centre computer, booted DVD, chose to install Xbmc Live
* Went through the local settings all fine
*Chose network adapter

Then it asked about hard disks - I told it to use the existing hard disk, but all of it - so it did it's formating/partition magic etc, and then began to install

however, at 16%, a funny menu popped up:


I've tried everything - any option I choose, it goes back to the install screen, starts again from 0%, gets to 16% then pops back up.

I've downloaded and burnt the ISO twice now, still the same problem.

Any help would be fantastic, thanks
don't suppose you got a md5sum to check your downloaded iso against?


answering my own question.... no

How about the XBMC forums?
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I'd manually remove the partitions on the drive and let ubunto repartition the drive as it sees fit from scratch, if its hitting snags at 16% you could be running out of space or something.
Hi all,

After trying everything, for about 6 hours, I tried to reburn the image on a cd-r, instead of a dvd-r

Worked perfectly first time!

Still getting to grips with plugins and scripts though. Spent the last 3 hours trying to install SVN, in order to get some better skins. It's hard work. Got iPlayer working though, that's awesome
New XBMC is lovely - very stable, iPlayer and Addon section is awesome!

Although I don't know how to add addons that aren't in the magic list (where you just select and it downloads and installs).

I've been trying XBMC 10 on top of an Ubuntu Lucid install. It's easily the best media player for Ubuntu. Really shows up the hideously bad interfaces of VLC, etc.

I tried ripping a movie score CD to FLAC (@the standard 5 compression level) - ended up with 120Gb track files... Hmmm slight bug me thinks? :D

Anyone know how/whether it's possible to switch XBMC 10 between fullscreen and windowed mode with a keyboard shortcut (installed on top of Lucid)? (Sorry 'bout the thread hi-jack :D )

If anyone can shed any light on how to install SVN Repo Installer, I'd be really grateful. I've followed as many instructions as I can (most of which suggest different paths to copy the folder in to what I have), but I can't seem to get it working!
The svn repo installer probably doesn't work anymore since XBMC has moved to git.

I'm not sure exactly what you want, to use the latest from trunk? If using ubuntu (which is what XBMC live is) - the easiest is to use the team XBMC's ppa or use something like the xbmc-git pkg from AUR for archlinux.

I use XBMC on archlinux and build XBMC for meego. I use it on my netbook (meego) and on my acer revo (archlinux), and it is very nice.

I'm not sure i'd recommend running git latest all the time, you have to remember while pre dharma was very stable for a long time before the 10.0 release, it may not be the case as development starts for the next iteration of XBMC.
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