Help! Is my Dad's Laptop dead?

2 Jun 2003
Bristol UK
Evening all :)

My Dad is having trouble with his Packard Bell iGo laptop.

This morning he turned it on, logged in and downloaded an AVG file update. For some reason it crashed (it seems to do it quite intermittently :confused: ) and he restartd it.

After taking ages to load the the initial Packard Bell screen it loops through trying to boot from the network. Strange beacause it never used to do it. Turned off boot from network in the BIOS and after again taking ages in the image/post screen it comes up in the top left hand corner:

Operating System not found

Oh dear. I go back into the BIOS and for some reason the boot order has been changed. I change it back to hard drive 1st, cd-rom 2nd etc and try again. No change :(

During the post screen the HDD seems to click and whir quite loudly and every few seconds makes a loud HDD/crunching sound, and sometimes a loud physical click, like it's the HDD spindle doing something.

What's the verdict then would you say? I don't think it seems hopeful tbh :(

t3h :cool:
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