Help me choose a camera for my boss.

12 Dec 2004
the south
Hey all

My boss has asked if I could look into finding him a suitable camera for us to use at work.

It will be used to take photos of joinery and furniture to upload to the galleries on our web site.

It MUST be simple to use and feature as wide a lens as possible.
I'm thinking a DSLR is out of the question due to cost and difficulty to use.

I'm also guessing a compact wont have a wide a lens as We're after which leads me to a bridge camera?

I've been out of the photography loop for to long now so I dont know whats current and good.

Any help would be great.
Also he never set a spend limit so lets say any where up to £350


This is an example of the kind of things we need to photograph, as you can see trying to fit it all in on a compact is the challenging part which is why I thought a wide angle lens would be best.
What are peoples thoughts on the Pentax Q-S1 with 5-15mm lens?

Or the Fuji X-M1 with 16-50mm lens?

Or maybe the Nikon 1 J4 with 10-30mm lens?

These are ones that stood out for their wide lenses but I'm not sure on the sensor size/ crop factor of these compact system camera's

I'm guessing they are not going to be like an aps-c sized dslr sensor, 5mm would be crazy wide??

Also I dont think WEX is a competitor, sorry if they are.
get any Micro Four Thirds body you want and the 9mm Olympus body cap lens

Cheers for the suggestion, ill have a look into that.
8mm maybe a bit to wide, the photos will likely be uploaded straight from the camera so post processing and distortion correction will be a no go.

Can't you stitch images together for it to fit?

I could yes but unfortunately the camera will be used by who ever is fitting the job at the time, some of the chaps I work with are of "lets say the older generation" and will struggle to use even the simplest of cameras at first.

I think we're just after a simple to use camera that any one at the firm can pick up and use, that has decent image quality and a wide angle lens.

Ruling out a compact as that's what we have at the moment and want a bit of an upgrade.

A DSLR will be to complex and bulky for people to carry around and use

So we're after something in the middle I think.

Any other suggestions are more than welcome.

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