I know I have asked similar questions to this before and just keep going in loops.
Basically my coding background is old days macromedia director with lingo and php&mysql I would say I know most about php;
I have made a few simple database sites with PHP&mysql but old school.
I tried making a more complex database system with codeignitor but coded myself into a corner and ended up doing the project with my Brother in law using ASP.net (c#) he more or less built what I had done and wanted in codeignitor ( with in a few hours nearly ready to ship, that had took me weeks to do in php and was still not working)
I also use WordPress for most of my sites.
I am torn as I look at lynda.com and been through some of there code clinics where different programmers solve the same problem with their language of choice. And to me PHP looks to be a lot more writing and effort then some of the other ones. I mean Swift solved the 8 queens problem in less then a page of code. PHP was several scripts.
C# and .net when I used with my B-I-L looked good.
My problem is I know some PHP and mysql. I do web sites part time to and I know PHP would help me more with wordpress.
However on the other hand I could use perch or jeckkle as the CMS removing the need to know wordpress.
From what I have seen and read other languages seam to make sence to me more then php. For example Swift id got a basic app running in a night.
I have books on Ruby , C# , PHP but I cant decide which one to concentrate on.
What's your thoughts
Basically my coding background is old days macromedia director with lingo and php&mysql I would say I know most about php;
I have made a few simple database sites with PHP&mysql but old school.
I tried making a more complex database system with codeignitor but coded myself into a corner and ended up doing the project with my Brother in law using ASP.net (c#) he more or less built what I had done and wanted in codeignitor ( with in a few hours nearly ready to ship, that had took me weeks to do in php and was still not working)
I also use WordPress for most of my sites.
I am torn as I look at lynda.com and been through some of there code clinics where different programmers solve the same problem with their language of choice. And to me PHP looks to be a lot more writing and effort then some of the other ones. I mean Swift solved the 8 queens problem in less then a page of code. PHP was several scripts.
C# and .net when I used with my B-I-L looked good.
My problem is I know some PHP and mysql. I do web sites part time to and I know PHP would help me more with wordpress.
However on the other hand I could use perch or jeckkle as the CMS removing the need to know wordpress.
From what I have seen and read other languages seam to make sence to me more then php. For example Swift id got a basic app running in a night.
I have books on Ruby , C# , PHP but I cant decide which one to concentrate on.
What's your thoughts