Help me choose

7 Jun 2003
Plantronics DSP 500
icemat siberias


senneheiser HD515

take into account im trying to choose for gaming purposes (and locating the direction of the sound is EVERYTHING)

i used to have the hd515s which is why im so tempted to get them again because they were the most comfortable headphones ive ever had, but i cant remember how good they were in cs/css

is there a way to plug the DSP500s into a soundcard or do you have to use there usb bit?

i currently use sennheiser PC160s but im feeling like trying something different, i also own medusa 5.1s but there awful
ive just decided i might even go the whole hog and just buy hd595s and keep them for as long as they stay alive, or is there anything better i could buy for £125? (keeping in mind i LOVE how comfortable the hd5#5s are, so i want that same comfort with a new pair)
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