Help me Decide Layout for Home Cinema

7 Nov 2006
Stockton on Tees
Hi Guys,

Just bought a house and looking how i would possibly intergrate a home cinema experience into the current room layout which you can see in the pic.


Now, what I would like to do is an arrangement like this:


The TV doesnt need to be on a cabinet and can be wall mounted but i do want the 3.1 setup at front with two floor standing speaking either side of the TV with the centre being below. Ideally space for Amp, Virgin and PS3 too.

As you can see from teh top picture i cant really do it like this as the cubboard under teh stairs is accessed from near the TV so i couldnt put a floor standing speaker there. I could board up the access to the cubboard under teh stairs but then i would be loosing all that space for storage.

I could remove the feature wall which the TV currently hangs on so that whole wall is flush and have this setup using the opposite wall but then the sofas and stuff would be in the way of the doors...

A cabinet would stick out also around the passge to and from the doors.

The carpet will be coming out in favour of wood flooring

Any ideas...?!?
Looking at it from Window side:


The room is actually pretty wide there as what the previous owners have done is take out the passage that use to run along the stairway and intergrated in in to the living space.


(Red dotted line represents original layout that use to be passage way but has now been integrated into living space)
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Probably could pull something like this off but its where to put the left/right speakers so the cubboard is still accessible..

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