Help me diagnose the fault with this TV

19 Jun 2009
Central Scotland

Got a fault with my TV that I'd appreciate some help with on diagnosing the faulty components.

Pic of fault:

Last week, I switched the TV on, screen was totally blank/black. Had sound. I took the back off the TV, re-seated the three ribbons that are underneath the rear TV casing, reassembled the TV and the screen/picture had returned perfectly.

Fast forward to yesterday, TV working perfectly in the morning, switched onto standby, went to switch on the TV last night, and the same fault had returned - no screen, but had sound. This morning I re-seated the ribbons and the pic above is now what I'm looking at now.

I know the ribbons are fragile, could it be them that need replacing? Or, is the screen itself goosed? TV is a Panasonic TX-43GX550B, only about 18 months old. Is it work attempting/arranging repair or is it not worth it? Or could it be one of the circuit boards?

Ribbon part numbers are 1 x 30079836 and 2 x 30103235.

Any help much appreciated.

Edit: pic link sorted.
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Not really qualified to give advice but if I was faced with this problem I would maybe use my contact cleaner first and maybe do a visual for any leaking or bulging capacitors, not done loads of this stuff but managed to suss out my oil boilers circuit board and timer issues, mostly with Google and youtube
I've a sneaking suspicion that it may be a rebranded Vestel TV. Theres a thread on AV forums on how to tell. Most obvious way is look for 'made in turkey' on the box or the telly label on the back. If that's the case & its out of warranty, chances are the repair engineer will write it off or say uneconomical to repair. Sad I know that a telly like that one these days will not last very long, but its a case of planned obsolescence design & built to a price for short term maximum profit. :(
Yes my oldish LG was marked as uneconomical to repair.

Richer sounds replaced it with a modern equivalent.
I only paid 400 for the TV so to use it for the best part of 5 Yr and then get a new replacement was spot on

Like I say even I'd be very suprised if there was no warranty left at that age.

If you've not removed any warranty stickers then I'd simply be contacting wherever you bought it.
Thanks for your replies.

I haven't removed any warranty stickers, but it'll be obvious I've opened it up - marks on screws, etc. That would void any warranty I'd imagine, but I'll get in touch with the retailer it was purchased from and see if they can do anything.

It has 'Assembled in Turkey' on the label on the back of the TV.

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Mine packed up once so got it on table and just as I was taking the back off the dog jumped up and knocked it onto the floor - then wife walked by with a broom in her hand and tripped on it and handle went through the screen and to add insult to injury the cat peed on it so claimed on house insurance -New TV. ;)
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