Help me find a wine I previously found

30 Jan 2007
PA, USA (Orig UK)
Hello gentlemen and ladies,

A few years ago I had a red wine I really enjoyed as a pure drinking wine. It was lovely and smooth and had lovely smell and warm undertone. My memory tells me:

1) It was a Hardy's (I could be wrong!)
2) It had a picture of Stag on the front (I could be wrong twice!)
3) I think it was a Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon (but I could be wrong thrice and only definitely remember the Cabernet Sauvignon bit...)

So... what I have come up with so far is a Hardy's Stamp of Australia Shiraz Carbernet Sauvignon. This all looks good except for the minor detail is that it has a picture of a Kangaroo (which makes sense) instead of a Stag which I seem to remember :( The kangaroo appears to be in the same location as that of the stag and the bottle label looks very similar.

So.. either I'm going mad and just plain remember it wrongly, or there is still a wine out there that I need to find! (A third option is that they have changed the label... but I doubt it).

OcUK wine detectives, do your best!
lol, I believe glitch the descent has already started! :-D

I think I must just remember it wrong and that it is the Hardy's, I'll have to give it a go. The memory of the stag still remains though.... I remember it because it is possibly the best red wine I've ever had to drink by itself.

£40 a bottle... eek. Yeah I'd remember that!! (I like wine, but that would have to be for something serious.)
Lol. Definitely before....

I am thinking that I might struggle with the recommended wine, as Waitrose might be a bit to classy for Plymouth ;-)
Well.. went and got a bottle of the Hardy's to celebrate my visa approval lol. Was pretty nice and very nice by itself :-) "Warm and comforting"
BTW looks like Hardy's do different animals on different types and lines of wine so quite possible they do one that does have a stag on it (might even be a one off special) though mostly they seem to be animals unique to that part of the world.

I don't imagine a Stag would represent Aus, so I'm more inclined to believe that I'm not going completely mental and it was a special as you say :) (That way I can pretend some semblance of sanity ;) )
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