HELP me finish my guitar order !!

25 Mar 2006
Hey guys :)

I'm buying a Cort G250 and a Roland MicroCube from Regent Guitars and I was wondering exactly what accessories I will need to order with these two things. What Guitar Cable , Tuner , Strings etc. (This is my first electric guitar :) ) If you guys could spec it from here or link from here it would be handy.

Thanks :cool:
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Thanks guys :)

Sorry for not being too clear.

Its just that I have to get the stuff delivered to Ireland which costs about £25 from every site (Well GAK is £26 :) ) and from here (Regents) its £35 including their premier service guitar set-up. So I thought it would be best. (My first Guitar :p )The thing is I need all the accessories and it doesnt list what, if anything, is included with the guitar so I thought I should ask around for the names of good quality accessories. I guess I could buy them in a music shop though I still wouldn't know what is best to buy :confused:

Tuner wise, first replacement strings, Guitar cable, plectrums etc.

And if you have another site which would check the guitar like Regents premier set-up then do suggest it :D ....or a good site for accessories with cheap delivery?

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Ah that is a good site :)

I will just get a mix of those plectrums see what each of them are like.
Thanks for the recommendations they look great

But what guitar cable should I get?? (From there please ;) )

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Yeah I ordered a lot of different picks to try out so no worries :)
I also got a Planet Waves 20ft cable which are meant to be good.

But I have a new problem with my order from Regents. (I choose them as because of their guitar set-up service and from reading other guitar threads here)

I received this email from them:

Hi there,
the sunburst colour of the G250 left handed has been discontinued and now available in black only. I have spoken with the supplier and the black ones will be available around the end of May. I appreciate that this may be too long to wait so please can you advise me on how you would like to proceed.

best wishes

Doesnt seem like they will have the Cort til May so any alternative places to buy a fully set-up, and checked for quality control, guitar?? :( :confused:
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