Help me fix a fence Plz!(frame fixings etc) - save me neighbour complaints..

4 May 2007
West Midlands
Hi guys!

Fixing part of my fence down one side of the house. I intend to get "hit and miss" style all the way round eg this type
Please recommend me alternative manufacturers if any!

If you can recommend me alternatively a place to buy the timber I can do that instead and make the fence? (I have saws etc I can use to cut it) - not sure if that would end up being more expensive?

On the side adjacent to the neighbours I'm replacing part of the fence. They vary and are slightly larger than 75mm by 100mm deep.
I intend to use frame fixings and possibly mortar in at the same time? (should I also use mortar or not bother?
Was looking at frame fixings like these, assume they're similar to rawlplugs in application? (140mm will allow 60+mm embedment in concrete)


I want to retain the other long length existing fence on the neighbours side, but the posts arent fixed in very well. Is it possible to buy fixings that can be put in while the fence is in situ? I don't want to take it down as I have nice bushes on my side. (pics below)

(From neighbour side)


I'm going to knock down the carport in the pictures below it's beside a garage, falling to pieces and I'd rather have the garden Space.
I imagine floor fixings would be best? My intention would be to put this on the front section of floor, but would it be best to break this down and lower it? (angle grinder to flatten out sections where post is going) then use big garden posts?
Can you recommend good fixings and ironmongery for this? I assume 75mm posts again is sufficient? (at 6foot widths?)

Similarly I was going to knock the arch blocks down to 6ft, and lay some dark bricks on top? (where would I get these from?) I'm a lot more talkative with these neighbours and they've offered to help me :p


(I intend on keeping the flags the same in the carport, jet wash them and retain the existing gravel drive)


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