Help me in my quest for silence . . . . . . . .

1 Jan 2006
South East London
Im finding my fans very irritating and need to quieten down my rig. I have an Evo 33 with currently only one 80mm amber on it cooling my opty 144 @ 2.6 but you can fit another fan on the other side for a push pull configuration, do you think this will help much or should I replace the fans?
In my Centurion 532 I have the 120mm fan that came with it blowing over the hard drives but I think this fan is quite noisy, any suggestions as what to replace it with, I was thinking about a 120mm amber or maybe something more powerful on a fan controller. The exhaust fan is an 80mm amber but I want to replace this with a 120mm as well, open to suggestions. I have a 6800gs Extreme Edition which is quite cool, usually about 55degrees under load but its very noisy. The VF900 is a bit expensive for me and I was thinking about getting a Arctic Cooling nvidia 5 for half the price, are these quiet?
Could you post a pic of the case from the side please so people can see the fan/obstruction layout (obviously with the side panel off).

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