Help me mute a trumpet

8 Jan 2005
Cheapest place for a trumpet mute anyone?
I'm about to destroy my little sister she's been 'practicing' for an hour. I support her and she is good at it but why does it have to be so loud :(.
I dont know the answer Blackstar, but I feel your pain. Eldest rugrat also plays the trumpet (what was wrong with a flute? or maybe a clarinet?). If you find the cure, let me know!!
smash the trumpet, then you can put up with crying for a good long period of time, heck beats a trumpet noise.
What a barrage of completely helpful posts. :rolleyes:

Anyways - although I dont play anymore, I have a grade 8 in trumpet. If she's going to be playing in a band / orchestra, she will have to invest in some mutes.

There are generally 3 types of mute she'll need,

a straight mute

a cup mute

and a harmon mute.

By far the coolest of these is an adjustable harmon mute, and it makes the trumpet a lot quieter. However it exerts a lot of back pressure, so its hard work to practice just with that in. A cup mute also dampens the sound, but doesn't create back pressure. However its a lot louder than the harmon.

You can get a practice mute. However the problem with these is there is no use for them in a performance environment, so you're spending money on something for just practicing.

Oh and if you're after cheap.... not checked ebay? ;)
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