Help me nail this classic solo!

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Lo all, I've been really struggling to nail a phrase in the Pink Floyd song Comfortably Numb during the outro solo. I believe its the 9th bar in or so....

Heres the tab taken from 'Mike's Guitar Site':

S S E +Q S S +S S S T T S T +T T T

~ ~
s s T T S a S S T T S E S S a S S S S

Whilst I find this to be a reliable site, when I play what I see here I can't get it to sound quiiiiiiiiite right. In the first part towards the end my timing seems to slide away from what it should be, and the second bit really confuses me as I'm sure there are more notes in there, or it isn't as accurately tabbed as is could be. In my head it should sound 'Duh-duh-duhduhluh,Duh-duh-duhduhluh, duuuuuh-duh' but i can't match it to those notes :(

If someone could 'talk' me through this phrase in the solo that would be great, because its causing me a bit of greif! Thanks :)
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alexthecheese said:
Well like any other piece of music you want to learn listen to it about 50 times and then break down the piece you want to play into tiny sections. It depends how capable you are to how you tackle it.
The section I have quoted is pretty tiny :p Don't know what you mean by the last bit...

banja said:
What do the various letters above the tab signify?
I have absolutely no idea :p
alexthecheese said:
I do get what you mean, and I have indeed been doing that. With the bits you just quoted, they are featured umpteen times during the whole thing, so they aren't 'difficult' to roll off. I am happy with this bit. As for the second bit, I think I have sussed it.... but I'm not playing what it says there.... Later I will record my best attempt of this snippet and you lot can pin point where I am going wrong :)

Be gentle though.... :o
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