Help me out - a new comer to the bike scene

28 Jan 2007
Wilmslow, Cheshire
Hi Guys,

I am looking to get myself a decent bike to get me to work and back as we now only have one parking space but i can park a bike or a quad in a smaller space. I am also wanting to take a Bike or a Quad off road and in the hills etc.
I dont really want a 125 but more a 250 or even a 450 beast.

I have no license so where do i start?
Can anyone help me out with what license i need to be looking for? would this Direct access suit me better?

Also can anyone spec me a bike? have upto £4k

You can get a very good condition CCM 404DS (DuelSport) or 644DS and have almost half your money remaining which would go towards some nice gear (lid, boots, gloves, security-chain, ect).

The CCM factory is in Bolton, so not too far away should you need spares although many parts you can source from other machines. Also there's a few CCM folks around your area that belong to, a decent bunch of lads that tend to meet up fairly often. A good little community :cool:
Do you have a car license? if so check your paper license it should say you have provisional bike on it, if so get your CBT done and go from there :)

Seconded. Do the CBT and then reevaluate things. Don't run before you can walk. :)

You can get 125s which will go off road. You could start on one of those and then do your test once you've got a bit of experience.
I wrote up a nice long reply but my damn session timed out and lost it all, ** ** ** ****** ** *** *** *** *** **
(ranting just then)

SO, My Car license has a P, so i am covered for Mopeds only.

I am looking at the KTM's, Huskies or GasGas, but more to the point what do i need to be doing RE licenses and in what order.

So my understanding:
1- Provisional
2- CBT
3- Theory
4- Decide on what license i want?
Edit- misread.

Do steps 1,2,3 then get your full bif DAS license if your old enough. Its no harder than the restricted test.

As for what bike I'm not too sure, if it was JUST off road then a small KTM of some sort would be a great but don't know if I'd want to commute on it.... there will have to be a compromise!
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i have no idea where my paper bit of my driving license is guys, i need to order a new one.

I am 24, 25 in Jan.
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