Help me pick my digi cam please!

6 Jun 2005
Ello :D

Looking for a nice digital camera
I can spend £200, but cheaper the better
Mainly in the ultracompact range, but will consider compact range
No less than 3x optical zoom
No less than 6megpix
2 inch or more LCD screen

The ones that have caught my eye are

CASIO Exilim Zoom EX-Z70 - 6x zoom & 7.2 megpix


Pentax Optio T10 - 6x zoom & 6 megpix
Love the touchscreen

Any advise, about if these ones are good or any better ones you can find will be much appreciated
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A touch screen sounds great but when it's covered in finger prints and going through batteries you soon get tired of it.

How about this :

Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ1


- Compact body
- 5.0 million effective pixels
- 10x (35-350mm equiv.) Leica DC Vario-Elmarit optical zoom
- MEGA OIS image stabilization
- Fast Linear autofocus system
- High Resolution (270,000 pixel) 2.5-inch LCD
- Movies up to 840 x 480 pixels (WVGA) @ 30 fps
- 18 scene modes

Price : £225
I've had 2 Casio Exilim cameras and with both (I won the second one) I was pretty dissapointed with the image quality (overly noisey), the best quality I've seen from firends cameras has to be from Sony.

I don't know about the Pentax though, my advice is to go into a camera shop and try them out, try taking photos in low light conditions and see what kind of quality you get with each (ask to upload the pictures to a computer so you can see them at 100%).

I say; find a thin Sony and buy it. In regard to the 6MP requirement, it really doesn't matter as much as you think, give this a read
Thanks for that cam SDK^, but its abit chunky and i dont really need that much zoom

I forgot to say what im using this cam for! Its a general 'daily life' cam, for snapping anything that comes along, for holidays, parties, nature photo's, taking pictures of objects for ebay etc etc! Indoors, outdoors! Mainly just to use on my computer (cutting and cropping) and any nice shots will get printed out on one of those kodak machines in boots

thanks for you reply robert! Yea I do really trust any Sony product, they are always good! And I shall go try some cams out in store!

Yea i was actually one of those people that thought all these higher megpix are just to rip you off, but my friend did tell me a valid point, that if your not just getting it printed off as your normal size photo's and that you use it on your computer when your in 100% and your cutting & cropping the pictures up to use for work or the internet, having those extra megapix does help

I had a look and I did find some nice sony cams
DSC - W50 - 6megpix , 3x zoom, 2.5inch screen
DSC - W70 - 7megpix , 3x zoom, 2.5inch screen
DSC - W100 - 8.1megpix , 3x zoom, 2.5inch screen
All between 150 and 215
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Yeah I understand that having high MP is good for if you want just part of a picture. Those Sonys look pretty good to me, bear in mind that Memory Sticks are a bit more expensive than SD/CF, but it's only a one-off expense, Get at least a 1GB for a 8.1MP camera.

It really ennoys me how Sony always try to take over the format market (Minidisk, Blu-Ray, ATRAC audio encoding, Betamax, the list goes on! Will they ever learn!?).

Good luck buying, and post some shots here if you get good ones, cheers!
What about a Canon camera. I have always found them to be fantastic quality and produce great images. Something like Digital Ixus 60 (£175) maybe?

# 6.0 MP CCD
# 3x optical zoom
# 2.5" LCD

fuji f10 is good -especially indoors as it has a good iso range without the usual level of noise that compacts have. If you can stretch then the F30 is a great cam.

f10 is c£150, f30 is c£250
Mark_b said:
Thanks for that cam SDK^, but its abit chunky and i dont really need that much zoom

You might not need the zoom today but you might be glad of it in the future and as you're trying to shop within a budget you might be better getting as many features to the £pound as possible.

My friend has a Sony and he loves it. Everyone I've ever met who owns a Canon is happy with it!

Canon made cameras when they were using film, you could use them in the Artic, the Attic or in the Tropics. Sony made jog proof CD players which worked (after reading the small print) provided your feet did not hit the gound more than 180 times to the minute. Having said that my friend is more happy with his!
Its a good point Belly
But I really am looking for a ultacompact camera that I can carry in my pocket all the time, just incase I need it! And I hope to buy a 'proper' camera at some later date, e.g. a "Super"Zoom camera or a dSLR

Ive tryed to lower my budget, to keep in mind I still need to buy memory! So my short list is..

The CASIO Exilim Zoom EX-Z60 - 3x zoom, 6 megpix, 2.5inch screen - about £138

The Casio EX-S600, 6megpix, 3x zoom, 2.2inch screen - about £166

And the Sony DSC - W50 - 6megpix , 3x zoom, 2.5inch screen - about £150

Ohhhh which to pick?! Or if you can find a different cam that I havnt come accross yes!
ViviCam 8600:

8.1 megapixel CCD
6x optical zoom
Macro mode


Mate has one and its an impressive little cam, LCD is huge and very clear indoors and outdoors

image quality is superb for a compact camera and its optical zoom is good to, plus it has anti shake though its not as good as some stabilized cameras I've seen its one of better compacts :)
When you've read what the guys here have recommended and you have a short list you could visit: they have the best reviews of most cameras and usually show pictures of the cameras in ones hand. Quite often one is surprised just how much smaller a camera is in the hand compared to just a photo. You can also compare cameras "side-by-side".
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