Help me plan my Euro trip - please

15 Jun 2006
Hi all,

Me and the wife are planning a 3 week trip across Europe in August. I could really use some help in planning it out, so please help! :)

My basic plan was to fly into Rome and fly out of Madrid. Then use trains to go everywhere in between.


Italy (Rome and Venice)
Switzerland (Zurich or Geneva)
France (Paris and Provence)
Spain (Not sure but ending in Madrid)

I don’t want to hit too many places. I’d rather spend 2 to 3 days at every destination (except maybe Switzerland).

So, any advice on Cities, where to go and stay, places to visit to help make my agenda would be REALLLLLLY appreciated :)

Thanks all,
Thanks for all the replies guys,

it seems my plans have been cut down to 2 weeks.

However, I was hoping to get some ideas on what typical accomodaition is like out there? Cheap but good? No hostels.

Advice appreciated,

thanks again,
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