Help me put together a program

30 Oct 2003
Hi Guys,

I’m trying to put together a workout program, but I’m a complete beginner and don’t know where to begin. I’d appreciate a bit of help and advice.

I suppose I’d better start off with where I am now and what I want to achieve.

I’m 6ft 1” tall and weigh 97.5 kilos, which fairly easily puts me into the overweight/obese category. I am very broad shouldered. Most of my weight is carried around my arse and stomach and errrrrr…….well quite frankly man boobs!

My main objective is to get my weight down to around 80/85 kilos and get rid of my boobs. This is not something I expect to achieve over night; I know I’m looking at the best part of a years work. I have already started addressing my diet and feel I have this fairly well under control. I avoid all fried food, all fast food and sugary pop. My diet consists of a lot of fruit, rice and vegetables. The only weak point I still have is beer, I drink about 6 pints a week. Over the last 8 weeks I have lost 5 kilos, which I think is a fairly good rate to loose weight.

I have joined a gym, but am at a loss as how to best make use of my time there. I go around 5 times a week, but am starting to feel I am starting to feel a bit lost as I don’t have a program. Unfortunately I can’t find a partner to go with and the gym I’m a member of is your standard crappy hotel gym with no one to give advice(nothing better available). You simply don’t get the same quality of gyms over here(Brunei) as you do in the UK. I also have access to a pool, only 15m long though.

With all this in mind, I’d be great if you guys could help me put a program together.



p.s Can’t believe I’ve admitted to owning a fine pair of man boobs!
30 Oct 2003
Hi Thanks for the replies. Alas there are no instructors in the gym at all, infact I have never seen anyone else in there. I think the hotel has forgotten that it even exists! Which is good in that it is effectively my own private facility.

My main goal is to loose weight, but I was hoping to work at it from both ends. Change my diet, do some cardio but also muscle build to prevent getting "floppy bits".

By "nailed diet", do you mean being really strict in what I eat? I've been told in the past that you should not reduce your calorie intake to less that 2200calories a day, is this true?

Wedgie22, is it better to work lots of groups in a session or just focus on one area. Should I mix cardio with muscle work in the same workout?

Sorry for all the questions
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