HELP ME!! - Recovering Overwritten Files (crap titled edited)

1 Feb 2006
HELP ME!! - Recovering Overwritten Files

Guys, Ive just accidentally ran a robocopy /mir command to mirror a whole directory tree and i have overwritten important stuff on the target folder!!

I need this back!

I have tried some quick file recovery tools but they will only restore my folders and not the contents of the folders. I had .avi files stored on this disk..

Any help would be appreciated asap!

Last edited:
got 'get data back'

it didnt detect any of the deleted files as deleted by the robocopy command.

anyone know how i would recover these files?

to sum up what i did:

ran a robocopy <source> <target> /mir on the wrong target folder and it deleted everything in target as the purpose of this command is to sync two directories.

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