help me screenscrape

18 Oct 2002
Brisbane, Australia
Hi, i was wondering if anyone was highly skilled in php and could help me scrape the lat and lon from a multimap url.

basically i`m trying to enter a postcode, and then get the lat and long that are return, or displayed on the reuslt page of a multimap page.

i`m trying to link this into a google map.

anyone who knows how to do this please lend me a hand.

I'm pretty sure jonno used something like this. Involved php + a MySQL database.

edit: Looks like the thread has been pruned :(
managed to get it sorted.

reason for doing it was i wanted to get the lat and long form the multimap url, then use them to place a marker on a google map. i couldnt do it with google maps for some reason. anyway works now. is it really against the TOS, oh dear i better read.
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