Help me to install a some software please

Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
It's taken me ages but I did my first re-install of Win10 onto a new SSD I bought two years ago to do it.
Everything has installed with no problems (touch wood) but I just can't get Cakewalk Sonar to install and get this error -


You may blame the Synology so I tried it from my F: drive and my E: drive


I've tried everything to get permissions but nothing works.
I have installed everything else from the Synology with no problems.

This could be Sophos Endpoint stopping it because I had to install the NHS version to WfH but I can't disable it or uninstall it because it seems to be locked down.

I've even tried to get into Safe Mode but I've pressed every F key with no luck.

Any suggestions very welcome.
for safe mode
type msconfig in search box
go to boot tab in msconfig
select safe boot and apply
restart pc
once finished in safe mode do msconfig again and untick safe boot

Tried that and I had zero antivirus and still got the same error.
I think something has gone wrong with the setup.exe


Sophos identifies the setup.exe immediately as an MI PUA and either disables it or deletes it.
When I drop to safe mode I still can't uninstall Sophos because I need an Admin password.
I know last week I could disable Sophos but on this new install I can't.
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I might be missing something, but when I reinstall Windows it doesn't install third party antivirus as Windows already has Windows Defender - therefore if you want a third party AV, you install it yourself. Or was it a prebuilt ISO supplied by the NHS?

I have to WfH so the NHS have give me the software to do it, one is Sophos Endpoint which takes over from Defender.
I have totally reinstalled Win10 on Thursday from a USB (BRILLIANT) and then installed 80% of my required software before installing Sophos.
Yesterday I decided to install the remaining software I use but it wouldn't install Cakewalk Sonar.
I want to uninstall Sophos so that I can install Cakewalk and then install Sophos again.
I'm not saying this will help, because you've probably already tried it while looking for a solution, but it's worth a shot:

Thanks for that but I think Sophos has now caused other 'damage' to the registry/windows because when I drop down to Safe Mode with no anti virus I still have the same errors.
UPDATE - I tried the above but STOP Sophos is greyed out.

So I thought perhaps Sophos has put an entry into the Registry to stop setup.exe from running and I deleted two entries but no luck.
I sent setup.exe to two friends who ran it and it kicks into the install screen so it is OK so therefore something in my software is stopping it.

I then found an 128gb SSD, installed Windows 10 and installed Sonar with no problem so there is an entry on my software somewhere saying I can't use that file.
It looks like tomorrow I'll be setting up my new SSD again to shift that rogue entry unless someone has a solution.

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so even if you install it, once the Sophos policy reapplies it will block it again

I've had Sonar installed and running on my PC for 5 years, 2 months ago I put the NHS Sophos on and I've still been using it so therefore it must be the setup.exe it doesn't like.
Does copying the source files to C:\temp work?

If I put setup.exe anywhere over my 3 hard drives and NAS, Sophos will delete it.

Here's a video of me putting the file into the Temp folder straight out of a ZIP file.

Now even if I drop down to Safe Mode with no Sophos and do the same thing the file will not be deleted but my Windows installation still won't run it because I think Sophos has placed something in the registry to stop that exact file from running.
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However, the OP replied, the file is being deleted just after it's run.

I posted a video above:
Here's a video of me putting the file into the Temp folder straight out of a ZIP file and it deletes without running it..

Is this a customised sophos install for the NHS,


I've got another 256gb SSD and today I have done a full install of all my favourite programs and I can boot into my 'Sophos NHS drive' first thing in the morning.
If I need to use Sonar I can put the other new drive on.

I've just had a call off NHS IT and my mate Rob said the instructions they sent out were wrong and you don't need to install Sophos on your home machine only the VPN :)
Apparently they've had dozens of calls about it and they don't have the password.
Sophos is for those who take the NHS laptops home with them but it should already be installed anyway.
At least you now have a clean install of Windows 10 :)

Has you work pattern changed now, are you being asked to work from home?

Yes I've been working from home for two months and last Thursday I decided to do a whole new installation and had my problems with my music software which I'd put in the OP.

the very idea that they deem a VPN as a solution to AV I think worries me more)

Where did you get that from?
They said I can just use the VPN with my own antivirus and they shouldn't have been advising people working on their own computers to install Sophos.

They are adopting Win10

I think only a handful of computers at a Trust with 3000+ computers have it.
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