help me tweak this RAM more? 64GB in 4 DIMMs on Prime Z370-A mobo w/ i7-8700K CPU

7 Oct 2020

I'm looking for help to further tweak the memory for ever better speeds and/or lower latencies. I would quite appreciate any help and maybe some of this info could help anyone else in the future.

I have Asus Prime Z370-A (not II) motherboard with Intel Core i7-8700K CPU (Coffee Lake) and 2 kits of RAM G.Skill F4-3200C14D-32GTZ Trident Z DDR4-3200MHz CL14-14-14-34 1.35V 32GB (2x16GB) (that's 4x DIMMs of 16GB each = 64GB, but each kit has a different color GTZ vs GTZKW)

I'm quite new to this and despite reading some about memory I'm having trouble grasping most of it. What I eventually did was mostly copied the timings from when the memory is running at 2133Mhz to when it's running at XMP 3200 and it seems stable (2+ hours of TestMem5 v0.12 aka TM5 with Extreme1 @ anta777.cfg, and 2+ hours of PassMark Memtest86 Free v8.4 UEFI booted).

I'm currently on a laptop so I only have certain screenshots (but I can post any screenshots if required) that I wanted to use to report a MemTweakIt(Mem_TweakIt_WIN10-64_V2.02.41_1025) bug where tWR (DRAM Write Recovery Time) is wrongly reported by Mem TweakIt as 24 instead of 17 when tWR is set to Auto in BIOS (but it's reported ok when is manually set to 17) while ASROCK Timing Configurator is reporting it correctly in both cases.

I'm running on Windows 7 64bit though, but can run Win10 from Hiren’s BootCD PE x64 v1.0.1 (21 June 2018). However all of this is temporary until I get the RAM speed settings right and then I'm switching back to Linux.

Here's what screens I have(but just ask and I can show more, even in-BIOS screens):
they just show the memory timings:







I can show more screens like from AIDA64, hwinfo64, prime95, BIOS, TM5, Taiphoon etc. But just in case no one would reply, I didn't bother to go get and add them right now, I'm not lazy though :)

One thing I noticed in the penultimate image above is that TT_idle_counter (on Timings #3 tab) is 48 instead of 0 whenever memory training happened in this boot session, pre-POST, ie. I've just changed tWR from Auto to 17 in BIOS, saved which rebooted and thus memory training happened pre-POST then it booted normally into Windows.

tRFC could maybe go lower, I haven't tried, but if I had left all the settings that XMP did by default, then it would definitely not boot with tRFC 256, but since I've tightened the timings it not only boots it is also, seemingly, stable.

The Timings #4 tab settings apparently can't go any lower(or higher in case of IO-L), I've tried. But I did notice that if left on Auto, (except the I/O Latencies 24/25 settings which would be the only ones set manually), then it sometimes memory-trains wrong the CHB settings so instead of 53 they are above 60. No idea why, so I've then manually set all settings in BIOS to avoid this.

I've noticed that if I set MCH Fast Boot from Auto to Disabled then I can cause memory training on every pre-POST boot, ie. on every power-on or reboot/restart. And I like knowing that:)

Note that I don't/can't use MemTweakIt to apply settings because it instantly errors/hangs (tried it from Hiren's bootcd, even with tWR=17 in BIOS), so all the settings I've applied directly from BIOS.

Note: apparently tXP and PPD settings are not available in this mobo's BIOS, even though I'm using latest Version 2401 2019/07/2410.25 MBytes version.

The currently memory voltage is 1.3530V, and VCCIO and SA(system agent) voltages are both 1.1000V (can show screens, if anyone cares).

Thanks for your time.
I bring more screenshots:
Here's hwmonitor64 RAM temperatures just after 2 hours 50 mins of TM5 with heavy5opt profile (took this earlier today):


Took some screenshots right now:

hwinfo64 system summary







the other #3 and #4 are like #1 and #2 respectively.


(prime95 blend was running)

How hwinfo64 sees one RAM module:

How AIDA64 sees it:

hwinfo64 sensors after a while(looks like it was running something with AVX hence the 4300Mhz top speed currently):

AIDA64 Cache & Memory Benchmark(while all the sensors were opened in the background, ie. hwinfo64, hwmonitor64):

CPU policy was:

btw, I've noticed the following:
when running prime95 small ffts with avx2 enabled:

Maximum processor state(%) will cap the CPU speed to (Mhz):

0%->26% is 800mhz
27%->31% is 1000mhz
32%->36% is 1200mhz
37%->42% is 1400mhz
43%->47% is 1600Mhz
48%->53% is 1800mhz
54%->58% is 2000mhz
59%->66% is 2200mhz
67%->71% is 2500mhz
72%->77% is 2700mhz
78%->82% is 2900mhz
83%->88% is 3100mhz
89%->93% is 3300mhz
94%->98% is 3500mhz
99%->99% is 3700Mhz
100% is 4300mhz (because prime95 is running with avx/avx2)

When running prime95 small ffts with AVX2 AND AVX disabled (both have to be disabled or else 4300Mhz is max (due to AVX offset being 4 in BIOS which means 47-4=43 aka 4300Mhz)):
Same list as above except that 100% is 4700Mhz this time.
I've set Sync All Cores to 47 in BIOS.

PerformanceTest 10 Memory Mark (sensors still running in the background, otherwise it would be a bit higher):

HWMonitor64 now (I think this was after everything ran):

Cinebench R20 (score 3475):

Here's Taiphoon screens:

XMP didn't fit:

and a DIMM from the other kit:

and another screen to show the rest of the XMP:

I could show BIOS screens next...
Wanted to check volts, so you are at 1.350v on XMP?
I had a problem earlier with XMP, so disabled and put 1.40v in. Corsair LPX (3600) now at 3900mhz and stable.
Previous Asus mobs was fine on XMP.

yes 1.3530V (if I put 1.35 that's what it sets it to), and I've just noticed that I was wrong when I said VCCIO and SA are at 1.1000V, they are at 1.1500V(as per my above BIOS screens), I just forgot that I increased it (had to increase it at some point due to memory training causing a shutdown-like reboot(s) while training(ie. pre-POST) with 1.1V, but not anymore now with 1.15V)

I think I tried setting Manual where XMP is set in BIOS (EDIT: in that AI Overclock Tuner setting, that is) and I don't remember why it didn't work for me. I think I was using most stuff on Auto then too, so maybe that was a bad idea.

I had tried higher frequencies like 3400 with same 14-14 timings, but they error even with 1.45V (and 1.25V VCCIO&SA) and I don't really want to try higher than 14 timing(but I don't remember what other timings were set to at the time though). Also tried 3200 13-14-14-28 but while it seems to work, it does error with TM5 in like 20mins or more.

So I figured I want to stay with 3200 and just fiddle with the timings and (hopefully not needed) with the voltages to accommodate tighter timings.

Does anyone know what's that tREFIX9 with value 72 ? Does it need to be increased like tREFI, to get better latencies? or is it like any other timing and needs decreasing? I've not tried to fiddle with it (except that I'm using the value that 2133Mhz has, for this 3200Mhz, just like most other latencies except the main ones). EDIT3: found some info here, and here

What about DllBwEn ? Found this info:
Apparently if overclocking on LN2 (liquid nitrogen) you should raise the dllbwen to between 2 and 4. It's basically just another latency. Should go with auto, although apparently 0 is an option? That would be zero additional latency and obviously the best performer for normal use.
It's on Auto for me but notice how the BIOS info says: "Select values 2 to 4 to best Memory overclocking". I haven't tried to mess with it yet.
Last edited:
My last post (since no one wanted to help :) ), for completion. I've used this doc to tune timing more. These are my final results:

had to increase RAM voltage from 1.3530V to 1.37V(typed 1.37, shows 1.3728V I guess) because I increased tREFIx9 from 72(or 64) to 127 and at the same time lowered tREFI from 65535 to 65024, so now presumably: 65024/1024 *2 = 127 ... can fit 2 tREFI in the loop or wtw that means (doc/info from here)... But it didn't err with tREFI=65535, tRFC=256, tREFIx9=64 (or 72) before this, presumably because it only fit one tREFI into the loop that way!
The CPU if anyone was wondering why it's offset +0.050V (since OP), it's because of IA AC/DC Load Line being 0.01 for both, so there's less voltage than when they're on Auto, this way Prime95 won't fail and I've lower CPU voltage overall. I probably should've screenshoted the values in either AIDA64 or HWInfo64, they show the Ohms values for CPU and Graphics Load Lines, that how I would know which value Auto had (something like 2.100 MOhms, which would differ than the value you'd have to enter into this BIOS btw, anyway...)
VPPDDR voltage is Auto in BIOS, I see that it's 2.500V in actuality.
DMI Voltage is on Auto in BIOS, I see it's 1.200V
CPU System Agent Voltage aka VCCSA is 1.200V in BIOS (manually set, to avoid it being set to high and not being set lower to avoid memory training having to power off several times while mem training pre-POST, which is usually happening on cold boots); don't know if VCCIO also needed to be 1.200V or maybe only one of the two needed to be, but they're both 1.200V in BIOS.
I can't set CPU to 4800Mhz, even if I add 0.090V extra, due to more CPU temperature (86 celsius) and it BSODs during Prime95 in like 1 minute. So, more temp and voltage I don't want.





Note here tRDRD_dd had to be 7 instead of 6 or else memtest test6 would err! (so 6/4/6/7 instead of what the github doc says with that 6/4/6/6)
Increased tRAS to 30 (even though 28 woulda worked) because performance is better as they said("Setting tRAS lower than this can incur a performance penalty."), so it has to be: tRAS = tCL + tRCD(RD) + 2 ie 14+14+2=28+2=30
tRFC must be minimum of 256 (ie. 254 will give lots of memtest errors) which is 160ns (Samsung B die)

tXP cannot be changed in Prime Z370-A Bios v2401 ie. no option for it, or I don't see it?

same for PPD, don't see an option in BIOS.

Running prime95 Blend without AVX (to get highest temps and Mhz, due to AVX offset being 4)





The refresh period is 40.7(or 40.6 seen sometimes here) which is lower than before which was 41.0 (or 40.9 seen sometimes) but I'm guessing it's because AIDA64 doesn't correctly compute it, ie. it doesn't regard tREFIx9, but only tRFC and tREFI. Because otherwise it wouldn't make sense that I'd have to increase DRAM voltage to not get errors after just lowering tREFI if refersh period is now lower ie. RAM is refreshed more often than before.



Right then. Bye
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, here's BIOS settings/dump (ie. Ctrl+F2 saved it as .txt):

[2020/10/11 09:08:40]
Ai Overclock Tuner [XMP]
XMP [XMP DDR4-3200 14-14-14-34-1.35V]
BCLK Frequency [100.0000]
ASUS MultiCore Enhancement [Disabled]
SVID Behavior [Best-Case Scenario]
AVX Instruction Core Ratio Negative Offset [4]
CPU Core Ratio [Sync All Cores]
1-Core Ratio Limit [47]
2-Core Ratio Limit [47]
3-Core Ratio Limit [47]
4-Core Ratio Limit [47]
5-Core Ratio Limit [47]
6-Core Ratio Limit [47]
BCLK Frequency : DRAM Frequency Ratio [100:100]
DRAM Odd Ratio Mode [Disabled]
DRAM Frequency [DDR4-3200MHz]
TPU [Keep Current Settings]
Power-saving & Performance Mode [Auto]
CPU SVID Support [Enabled]
CPU Core/Cache Current Limit Max. [171.00]
CPU Graphics Current Limit [45.00]
Ring Down Bin [Enabled]
Min. CPU Cache Ratio [8]
Max CPU Cache Ratio [44]
Max. CPU Graphics Ratio [24]
Extreme Over-voltage [Disabled]
BCLK Aware Adaptive Voltage [Enabled]
CPU Core/Cache Voltage [Offset Mode]
- Offset Mode Sign [+]
- CPU Core Voltage Offset [0.050]
DRAM Voltage [1.3728]
CPU VCCIO Voltage [1.20000]
CPU System Agent Voltage [1.20000]
CPU Graphics Voltage [Offset Mode]
- Offset Mode Sign [-]
- CPU Graphics Voltage Offset [0.120]
PCH Core Voltage [Auto]
CPU Standby Voltage [Auto]
DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHA [Auto]
DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHB [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM0 Rank0 BL0 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM0 Rank0 BL1 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM0 Rank0 BL2 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM0 Rank0 BL3 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM0 Rank0 BL4 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM0 Rank0 BL5 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM0 Rank0 BL6 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM0 Rank0 BL7 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM0 Rank1 BL0 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM0 Rank1 BL1 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM0 Rank1 BL2 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM0 Rank1 BL3 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM0 Rank1 BL4 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM0 Rank1 BL5 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM0 Rank1 BL6 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM0 Rank1 BL7 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM1 Rank0 BL0 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM1 Rank0 BL1 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM1 Rank0 BL2 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM1 Rank0 BL3 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM1 Rank0 BL4 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM1 Rank0 BL5 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM1 Rank0 BL6 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM1 Rank0 BL7 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM1 Rank1 BL0 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM1 Rank1 BL1 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM1 Rank1 BL2 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM1 Rank1 BL3 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM1 Rank1 BL4 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM1 Rank1 BL5 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM1 Rank1 BL6 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHA DIMM1 Rank1 BL7 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM0 Rank0 BL0 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM0 Rank0 BL1 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM0 Rank0 BL2 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM0 Rank0 BL3 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM0 Rank0 BL4 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM0 Rank0 BL5 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM0 Rank0 BL6 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM0 Rank0 BL7 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM0 Rank1 BL0 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM0 Rank1 BL1 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM0 Rank1 BL2 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM0 Rank1 BL3 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM0 Rank1 BL4 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM0 Rank1 BL5 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM0 Rank1 BL6 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM0 Rank1 BL7 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM1 Rank0 BL0 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM1 Rank0 BL1 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM1 Rank0 BL2 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM1 Rank0 BL3 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM1 Rank0 BL4 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM1 Rank0 BL5 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM1 Rank0 BL6 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM1 Rank0 BL7 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM1 Rank1 BL0 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM1 Rank1 BL1 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM1 Rank1 BL2 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM1 Rank1 BL3 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM1 Rank1 BL4 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM1 Rank1 BL5 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM1 Rank1 BL6 [Auto]
DRAM DATA REF Voltage on CHB DIMM1 Rank1 BL7 [Auto]
DRAM CAS# Latency [14]
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay [14]
DRAM RAS# ACT Time [30]
DRAM Command Rate [2N]
DRAM RAS# to RAS# Delay L [4]
DRAM RAS# to RAS# Delay S [4]
DRAM REF Cycle Time [256]
DRAM Refresh Interval [65024]
DRAM WRITE Recovery Time [10]
DRAM READ to PRE Time [8]
DRAM WRITE to READ Delay [Auto]
DRAM WRITE to READ Delay L [Auto]
DRAM WRITE to READ Delay S [Auto]
DRAM CKE Minimum Pulse Width [6]
DRAM Write Latency [13]
tRDRD_sg [6]
tRDRD_dg [4]
tRDWR_sg [9]
tRDWR_dg [9]
tWRWR_sg [6]
tWRWR_dg [4]
tWRRD_sg [27]
tWRRD_dg [23]
tRDRD_dr [6]
tRDRD_dd [7]
tRDWR_dr [9]
tRDWR_dd [9]
tWRWR_dr [7]
tWRWR_dd [7]
tWRRD_dr [6]
tWRRD_dd [6]
tREFIX9 [127]
OREF_RI [64]
MRC Fast Boot [Auto]
DRAM CLK Period [Auto]
Memory Scrambler [Enabled]
Channel A DIMM Control [Enable both DIMMs]
Channel B DIMM Control [Enable both DIMMs]
MCH Full Check [Enabled]
Training Profile [Standard Profile]
DLLBwEn [0]
DRAM SPD Write [Disabled]
DRAM RTL INIT value [63]
DRAM RTL (CHA DIMM0 Rank0) [54]
DRAM RTL (CHA DIMM0 Rank1) [54]
DRAM RTL (CHA DIMM1 Rank0) [54]
DRAM RTL (CHA DIMM1 Rank1) [54]
DRAM RTL (CHB DIMM0 Rank0) [53]
DRAM RTL (CHB DIMM0 Rank1) [53]
DRAM RTL (CHB DIMM1 Rank0) [53]
DRAM RTL (CHB DIMM1 Rank1) [53]
DRAM IOL (CHA DIMM0 Rank0) [3]
DRAM IOL (CHA DIMM0 Rank1) [3]
DRAM IOL (CHA DIMM1 Rank0) [3]
DRAM IOL (CHA DIMM1 Rank1) [3]
DRAM IOL (CHB DIMM0 Rank0) [2]
DRAM IOL (CHB DIMM0 Rank1) [2]
DRAM IOL (CHB DIMM1 Rank0) [2]
DRAM IOL (CHB DIMM1 Rank1) [2]
CHA IO_Latency_offset [24]
CHB IO_Latency_offset [25]
CHA RFR delay [14]
CHB RFR delay [14]
Data Rising Slope [Auto]
Data Rising Slope Offset [Auto]
Cmd Rising Slope [Auto]
Cmd Rising Slope Offset [Auto]
Ctl Rising Slope [Auto]
Ctl Rising Slope Offset [Auto]
Clk Rising Slope [Auto]
Clk Rising Slope Offset [Auto]
Data Falling Slope [Auto]
Data Falling Slope Offset [Auto]
Cmd Falling Slope [Auto]
Cmd Falling Slope Offset [Auto]
Ctl Falling Slope [Auto]
Ctl Falling Slope Offset [Auto]
Clk Falling Slope [Auto]
Clk Falling Slope Offset [Auto]
CPU Load-line Calibration [Level 1]
CPU Current Capability [100%]
CPU VRM Switching Frequency [Auto]
VRM Spread Spectrum [Enabled]
CPU Power Duty Control [T.Probe]
CPU Power Phase Control [Standard]
CPU VRM Thermal Control [Enabled]
CPU Graphics Load-line Calibration [Level 1]
CPU Graphics Current Capability [100%]
CPU Graphics VRM Switching Frequency [Auto]
CPU Graphics Power Phase Control [Standard]
Intel(R) SpeedStep(tm) [Enabled]
Turbo Mode [Enabled]
Long Duration Package Power Limit [150]
Package Power Time Window [1]
Short Duration Package Power Limit [154]
IA AC Load Line [0.01]
IA DC Load Line [0.01]
TVB Voltage Optimizations [Enabled]
PCI Express Native Power Management [Enabled]
Native ASPM [Auto]
PCH DMI ASPM [Enabled]
ASPM [Auto]
L1 Substates [L1.1 & L1.2]
PCI Express Clock Gating [Enabled]
DMI Link ASPM Control [L1]
PEG - ASPM [Auto]
Hyper-Threading [Enabled]
Active Processor Cores [All]
Intel Virtualization Technology [Enabled]
Hardware Prefetcher [Enabled]
Adjacent Cache Line Prefetch [Enabled]
SW Guard Extensions (SGX) [Disabled]
Tcc Offset Time Window [3 sec]
Intel(R) SpeedStep(tm) [Enabled]
Turbo Mode [Enabled]
CPU C-states [Auto]
CFG Lock [Disabled]
Intel(R) Speed Shift Technology [Enabled]
VT-d [Enabled]
Above 4G Decoding [Enabled]
Primary Display [CPU Graphics]
iGPU Multi-Monitor [Disabled]
RC6(Render Standby) [Auto]
DVMT Pre-Allocated [64M]
DMI Max Link Speed [Auto]
PCIEX16_1 Link Speed [Auto]
PCIEX16_2 Link Speed [Auto]
IOAPIC 24-119 Entries [Enabled]
PCIe Speed [Auto]
SATA Controller(s) [Enabled]
SATA Mode Selection [AHCI]
Aggressive LPM Support [Disabled]
SMART Self Test [Enabled]
SATA6G_1(Charcoal Black) [Disabled]
SATA6G_1 Hot Plug [Disabled]
SATA6G_2(Charcoal Black) [Enabled]
SATA6G_2 Hot Plug [Disabled]
SATA6G_3(Charcoal Black) [Disabled]
SATA6G_3 Hot Plug [Disabled]
SATA6G_4(Charcoal Black) [Disabled]
SATA6G_4 Hot Plug [Disabled]
SATA6G_5(Charcoal Black) [Disabled]
SATA6G_5 Hot Plug [Disabled]
SATA6G_6(Charcoal Black) [Disabled]
SATA6G_6 Hot Plug [Disabled]
TPM Device Selection [Discrete TPM]
VccCore Override Enable [Disabled]
VccST Override Enable [Disabled]
VccSA Override Enable [Disabled]
VccSFR_OC Override Enable [Disabled]
VccSFR Override Enable [Disabled]
VccIO Override Enable [Disabled]
Core PLL Voltage Offset [0]
GT PLL Voltage Offset [0]
Ring PLL Voltage Offset [0]
System Agent PLL Voltage Offset [0]
Memory Controller PLL Voltage Offset [0]
Thunderbolt(TM) Support [Disabled]
Thunderbolt(TM) PCIe Support [Disabled]
Windows 10 Thunderbolt support [Disabled]
Security Device Support [Enable]
SHA-1 PCR Bank [Enabled]
SHA256 PCR Bank [Enabled]
SHA384 PCR Bank [Disabled]
SM3_256 PCR Bank [Disabled]
Pending operation [None]
Platform Hierarchy [Enabled]
Storage Hierarchy [Enabled]
Endorsement Hierarchy [Enabled]
TPM2.0 UEFI Spec Version [TCG_2]
Physical Presence Spec Version [1.3]
ErP Ready [Disabled]
Restore AC Power Loss [Power Off]
Power On By PCI-E [Disabled]
Power On By Ring [Disabled]
Power On By RTC [Disabled]
Hyper M.2X16 [Disabled]
HD Audio Controller [Enabled]
DVI Port Audio [Disabled]
Depop [Enabled]
M.2_1 Configuration [PCIE Mode]
M.2_2 PCIe Bandwidth Configuration: [X2][X4] [X2 Mode]
Asmedia USB 3.1 Controller [Enabled]
When system is in working state [Off]
When system is in sleep, hibernate or soft off states [On]
Intel LAN Controller [Enabled]
Intel PXE Option ROM [Disabled]
USB Type C Power Switch [Auto]
Serial Port 1 [Disabled]
Network Stack [Disabled]
Legacy USB Support [Enabled]
USB Keyboard and Mouse Simulator [Disabled]
Generic STORAGE DEVICE 9404 [Auto]
Generic Storage Device 0.00 [Auto]
USB3G1_1 [Enabled]
USB3G1_2 [Enabled]
USB3G1_3 [Enabled]
USB3G1_4 [Enabled]
USB3G1_5 [Enabled]
USB3G1_6 [Enabled]
USB9 [Enabled]
USB10 [Enabled]
USB11 [Enabled]
USB12 [Enabled]
USB13 [Enabled]
USB14 [Enabled]
CPU Temperature [Monitor]
MotherBoard Temperature [Monitor]
PCH Temperature [Monitor]
T_Sensor Temperature [Monitor]
EXT_Sensor1  Temperature [Monitor]
EXT_Sensor2  Temperature [Monitor]
EXT_Sensor3  Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Fan Speed [Monitor]
CPU Optional Fan Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed [Monitor]
M.2 Fan Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed [Monitor]
Extension Fan 1 Speed [Monitor]
Extension Fan 2 Speed [Monitor]
Extension Fan 3 Speed [Monitor]
AIO PUMP Speed [Monitor]
CPU Core Voltage [Monitor]
CPU Graphics Voltage [Monitor]
3.3V Voltage [Monitor]
5V Voltage [Monitor]
12V Voltage [Monitor]
PCH Core Voltage [Monitor]
CPU System Agent Voltage [Monitor]
CPU VCCIO Voltage [Monitor]
DRAM Voltage [Monitor]
CPU Standby Voltage [Monitor]
DMI Voltage [Monitor]
Chassis Intrusion Detection Support [Disabled]
CPU Q-Fan Control [DC Mode]
CPU Fan Speed Lower Limit [200 RPM]
CPU Fan Profile [Manual]
CPU Upper Temperature [60]
CPU Fan Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
CPU Middle Temperature [45]
CPU Fan Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [80]
CPU Lower Temperature [36]
CPU Fan Min. Duty Cycle (%) [60]
AIO PUMP Control [Disabled]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Control [DC Mode]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Source [Multiple Sources]
Temperature Source 1 [CPU]
Temperature Source 2 [PCH]
Temperature Source 3 [MotherBoard]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 1 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 1 Upper Temperature [55]
Chassis Fan 1 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Chassis Fan 1 Middle Temperature [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [80]
Chassis Fan 1 Lower Temperature [47]
Chassis Fan 1 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [60]
Allow Fan Stop [Enabled]
M.2 Fan Q-Fan Control [DC Mode]
M.2 Fan Q-Fan Source [Multiple Sources]
Temperature Source 1 [CPU]
Temperature Source 2 [PCH]
Temperature Source 3 [MotherBoard]
M.2 Fan Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
M.2 Fan Profile [Manual]
M.2 Fan Upper Temperature [55]
M.2 Fan Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle Temperature [50]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [60]
M.2 Fan Lower Temperature [45]
M.2 Fan Min. Duty Cycle (%) [30]
Allow Fan Stop [Enabled]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Control [DC Mode]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Source [Multiple Sources]
Temperature Source 1 [CPU]
Temperature Source 2 [MotherBoard]
Temperature Source 3 [PCH]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 2 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 2 Upper Temperature [55]
Chassis Fan 2 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle Temperature [50]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [80]
Chassis Fan 2 Lower Temperature [47]
Chassis Fan 2 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [60]
Allow Fan Stop [Enabled]
Extension Fan 1 Q-Fan Control [Disabled]
Extension Fan 2 Q-Fan Control [Disabled]
Extension Fan 3 Q-Fan Control [Disabled]
Fast Boot [Disabled]
Boot Logo Display [Disabled]
POST Report [5 sec]
Boot up NumLock State [Disabled]
Wait For 'F1' If Error [Enabled]
Option ROM Messages [Force BIOS]
Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled]
Setup Mode [EZ Mode]
Launch CSM [Enabled]
Boot Device Control [UEFI and Legacy OPROM]
Boot from Network Devices [Ignore]
Boot from Storage Devices [UEFI driver first]
Boot from PCI-E Expansion Devices [Legacy only]
OS Type [Other OS]
Setup Animator [Disabled]
Load from Profile [7]
Profile Name [11oct_ss2]
Save to Profile [8]

Hope this helps someone, somehow. Have fun.
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