Help me with an old game (vague)

27 Oct 2005
It was a game me and a friend used to play years ago on the Atari ST.

The game was a top down 2D strategy looking very similar to Civilisation 1.
You had to build cities (that were square like Civ) develop them and build units like planes/tanks etc.

You even build cruise and nuclear missiles and could set them to auto-launch if an enemy attacked (you preset the targets much like the cold war)

The nuclear explosions were pretty much a white circle that expanded to the blast radius.
The game was multiplayer turn based, on the same machine (so one would turn away while the other performed his turn)

Can't for life of me remember the name :(
I first thought of Populous but that didn't have nuclear weapons, or turn based multiplayer...I even went as far as trying a google images search but nothing jumped out at me.

Any reason you've suddenly thought of this? Itching to play it again or just trying to satisfy your memory?
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