Help! My Car Wont Start and When it Does.....

19 Nov 2004
As above, my car will not start first time. Its taking me 3 attempts to start it, and when it does it runs like it is misfiring with all the warning lights on and has no power at all. What the hell is going on?? I had loads of chavs laugh at me at Tesco, and it only just made it home :(
Its a clio 172

EDIT: I want to have it working for the RR day :( and more importantly, I have a seriously hot date tomorrow night, and believe me, she is hot. I am getting quite worried now.
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Cleaned the sensor, unplugged the batt (for about 20 mins) and its still running rough with all the warning lights on. It started after 2 attempts though.
commited said:
How was it running before you switched it off, or did it die and then you couldnt restart it?

It was running fine, starting 1st time etc. Then I noticed a few days ago it wouldnt start first time, but would be ok on the second attempt. Only today when I was going home from tesco was when it wouldnt start and the lights came on. I tested it when I got home too and it was still the same.

kaiowas said:
Not familiar with the clio but I'm assuming there is a way to read the fault codes stored in the ECU (on most cars it involves shorting 2 pins in a diagnostic connector, counting flashing lights and looking up the result in a table). Are you aware of the procedure for your car and have you tried it? It should give you an idea of where the fault lies.

I have absoloutely no idea how to do that nor am I aware of the procedure.
kaiowas said:
I'd have thought that someone on either renault or clio forums will be able to tell you, unless one of the clio owners here knows.

I always come here first because I prefer the level of service! cheers for the help guys :) Will take it to a garage tomorrow. Good job I have a day off work.
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