Help, My inbox is getting spammed by repeat messages



9 Feb 2003
Hi ,

for the past few days i've been getting repeat copies of this text message, Ive had about 30-40 now , i get one every few hours, I know this is a network glitch somewhere, I am with O2 atm can anyone tell me what to do please? Should I call someone or will it stop.

I presume it thinks i havent got it thats why its resending it, so presumably there is a timeout. This started on wednesday afternoon so its been happening for 3 days continuously.

LOL funnily enough the same damn thing is happening to mine, one of my mates sent a text to me and in the last few days i must have received the same damn message 40 times at least and im getting pretty narked off with it. Asked my friend and he said hes only sent it the once....oh well ive turned my phone on and off and im hoping that solves it the problem.
oap said:
if you have a symbian phone do a virus check, use google for anti-virus apps

In fact i actually have a 6680, hmmm. i havent downloaded anything or transferred anything with bluetooth or anything. It cant seriously be a virus rite?

2nd hand 6630 i bought came with a virus already on it! Easy to get if you leave bluetooth on by mistake. Luckily also easy to get rid of. Sold phone a while ago and back to an ordinary one :/
Just do a google on "symbian virus" etc for more info.
I had the same problem over christmas! got around 40 messages from the same person while I was abroad... only have a crappy motorola c155
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