help my with network stuff

12 Feb 2006
firstly im looking to put a cap on my brothers interent, he has been suing some download software called Azures or something like that and im pretty sure that its that that has been mucking with my net these last few days. Is there something i can do to limit his download speed with only having access to the router by typing in the IP thing address and signing in. The router is a Linksys BEFSR81 if that helps.

For a long time now i have had problems with my interent connection as it keeps cutting out when im downloading something for more then a few mintues and the only way get it back is to either restart the computer or to unplug the connection at the back of my pc and replug it in. someone here suggested it my be the router which kills the connection it if gets above a certain speed, but i have found out that i am the only one that has this problem as i tested it by downloading vista on my brothers computer and his did it fine where as mine cuts out after a few minutes, its different times everytime. It happens when downloading information by anything, emule, IE, FF, whilst watching a Googlevideo that is long like 30minutes long, after watching it for 30 seconds i can loose the net.

Im pretty sure it aint no spyware or virus as i reguaryl check for both, though i only have avast virus checker so may be really good virus.

The computer is new since febuary and was built by myself, first time. there was a time when it was ok but since roughly june it stopped.

This network is a home network with 5 pc's connected to it.

anyone care to guess what i can do?

also someone once posted a interent speed test thing that just downloads a small file or something like that ,there is a picutre of the globe in like black and white which tells you the speed and latency and whatever, can anyone point me to it?

thanks all
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