Help! - Need to recover items from an Exchange public folder

1 Apr 2009

Running Exchange 2007.

I have had a user delete some calendar entries from our exchange public folder.
Unfortunately the public folder store had 0 days retention policy on deleted items set (now it's set to 30).

I have intact Windows Server backups from the last few days, and have been able to restore the .EDB files without any problems. I understand I will be unable to recover from the public folder store however. Apparently this is not supported by MS.

Is my only hope to mount the mailbox stores on a second server and hook up Outlook to that so that I can export the missing data to PST?

I have looked into EDB to PST conversion tools but they seem expensive at best and possibly fraudulant to boot.

Surely there must be an easy way to recover these calendar entries without wiping out everything since the last backup!

I was wondering if I can mount the recovered EDB as a third mailbox store, but I am unsure how I would hook into that to retrieve the data.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. :)
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