HELP NEEDED, for RAM upgrade problems

6 Mar 2006
I have an ASUS A7N8 Deluxe mobo with 1gb of ram in 3 sticks pc2700, trying to upgrade to 2 sticks of 1gb pc3200 and its failing the memory test everytime. Any Ideas? Or is my new ram duff?
Whenyou say failing memtest, is that the program memtest, or the machine doing it's initail counting of *** ram?

have you tried one stick at a time ? what happens?
It keeps failing the startup memory test, according to my mobo's manual, its failing to detect. I updated the bios and upped the frequency of the memory to 400mhz, what else can I do? Or should I get the memory replaced?
do you get a system failed memory test voice message at boot, and then the pc boots up fine if you do its a bug not a problem with your memory, i would get this all the time on my old A7N8
Chabsy said:
do you get a system failed memory test voice message at boot, and then the pc boots up fine if you do its a bug not a problem with your memory, i would get this all the time on my old A7N8

No I get the long beep on a loop and then nothing
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