Help needed from any SN45G2 users

5 Nov 2004
I had this shuttle and never noticed this component??? and i think i may have seen it as i did a lot of volt modding on it, especially round the NB (actually volt modded the NB at one point before it died)

have you tried turning it on?? chances are its where the manfacturers were going to put a component but then decided against it after the board was designed. you usually find plenty of these "changes" on full size ATX boards, usually capacaters etc and some chips etc
Turns out you were right, it works fine. when i tried to boot it at first it would power on but not post, so when i looked at it i noticed the part was missing and my FN41v1 motherboard has it, i figured that was the problem, i think it just didn't like the ram i was using. cheers for the help ;) .
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