Help needed making PDFs from photoshop CS2, A1 size

15 Feb 2006

Made a poster, size A1 in photoshop CS2.

When I save as PDF, the size seems to shrink, because "100%" in adobe reader appears to be much smaller than the A1 size its meant to be.

Any ideas whats going on?
ArmyofHarmony said:

Made a poster, size A1 in photoshop CS2.

When I save as PDF, the size seems to shrink, because "100%" in adobe reader appears to be much smaller than the A1 size its meant to be.

Any ideas whats going on?
You need to define A1 as custom paper type with measurements etc...
I have already defined the size manually... i've now tried changing the dpi to 300, but the filesize went up to 2gig and i got a warning :/

damn, i need this sorted by morning :(
Hmmm... i've done it for A0 so I know it can be done.

Can't check at the moment as desktop has died and laptop has vista on with no adobe stuf...

I'm sure you need to defien a customer paper size (not within documet)... i.e. in printer preferences somewhere when ou come to 'print'.

Sorry I can't be anymomre help :(
A0 is 841mm × 1189mm @ 300dpi that should be 9933px x 14043px.

Although most presses print at around 170dpi.

Seem ok? Also, an eps file would probably be fine depending on printers.

I am a Digital Press Technicain btw :)
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