Help needed please

18 Nov 2004
South Cheshire
I have a Fuji Finepix A370 and i have just brought an Olympus M512mb XD picture card. When i take video with it using this card it plays back all jerky like an old black and white film but it takes photo's ok, this didn't happen with my previous card (Fujifilm 64mb XD). Any ideas?
I've noticed some cards are rated by there speeeds , not sure about XD cards but I recently purchased a new SD card and was amazed at the different types .ie. 1gig x60 or 1gig x 80 . Some are designed for fast use as in cameras etc or you could the ordinary unrated ones.I wonder if this goes for XD too ??.
The one i used prior to this didn't have a prefix letter, this one has an "m". Wouldn't have thought there would be a correct and incorrect XD card to use, but then again i know nothing about cameras except they never lie or at least thats what Cheryl Baker told me!
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