Help needed RE: Failing my degree, where to now?

16 May 2006
To put it simple, I've failed my second year because I've failed a 20 credit unit and (quite possibly) another 10 credit unit too - results for that isn't out yet but I know how well I've done on that so lets assume I've failed.

Because my uni have a policy of 20 credit maximum to carry over to my next year, I'll not be able to go into my 3rd year. (30 credit failed in total) I'll be made to drop out of my course (BSc Pharmacology)

What should I do next?

I've got B.B.C.E. in A levels; Chemistry, Biology, Maths (got a C because I tried doing double maths in first year, so got a levels maths in 1 year) and an E for physics (because it was just *that* hard for me)

I'm unsure of doing yet another degree as I'm currently 22, another degree would take me another 3 years - opening more doors for me but I'm still living under parental roof - to save money, thus studied locally (Portsmouth) - Still pays house expenses with my all my maintenance loan to my mum out of courtesy.

My plans were to move out after graduating and finding a stable job. Now that it's all gone t**s up, should I or should I not pursue a career with what I've already got or go back to university and come out with a degree.

Degree in mind: BSc Chemistry or even head into Game/Tech/IT degree as these are the 2 I have most interest in.

Call me inexperience but how's the current work market for a drop out like me?
I have work experiences at counter job (Chinese Take Away) - not something great but may be useful and over 2 years (part time) work experience working as an Elderly Day Care Assistant, got a couple of relevant training out of it too. Still working there, it's rewarding but not something I'll pursue as a long term career.

Any advice or people with similar experiences, please share.
Much appreciated.
16 May 2006
I've failed the exams + resits.
Courseworks were in the 60s and 70s but my exam for these 2 were low, 20 credit course failed by 2 points and my neuropharmacology side failed because by a fair bit more - it's the way I've answer the exam paper and I've changed the way - obviously still not getting it.

I did think of studying away but the financial burden (especially when I'm already carrying 2 years worth of uni student loan debt) is quite off putting to live out for now.

I initially took pharmacology as a springboard degree into either Masters or even Medicine (as I couldn't make it in A levels) - but realised how much harder Uni is so I had a change of plans. To do my degree well and go into something science related - even if I don't, a BSc degree opens a lot of doors.

My career interest isn't all pharmacology, it was a degree taken by chance, liked it but messed up now. I do have strong interest in Chemistry, I will be speaking to my uni's careers advisor to see if I can jump into second year chemistry (and if it's worth it)
16 May 2006
Unfortunately I cannot resit the year again as I've already resit the failed modules - the only option available from my Pharmacology course is drop out; basically, I've been given a chance and messed up.

It's a damn shame as my other modules are relatively high, most are in the mid 2:1. Essentially, wasted time with nothing to prove at the end apart from life experience. Just have to take this in the chin and now I've got to decide; to either start afresh or head out into the "Real World".

I've kinda brought shame to the family for ended up as a drop out, as disappointed as my mum will be, I'm most disappointed by myself.

As said before, shall have to speak with my uni's careers advisor tomorrow, see what options are available to me - especially in doing a new degree like Chemistry, can I miss the first year e.t.c.

Anyone else have similar experiences and how you came to cope with the dilemma?
16 May 2006
What happened to make you fail? where did it all go wrong?

It's a mixture of personal life - something happened last September, caused a long tiff between me, my mum and my girlfriend. That was an issue but I can't blame it on that. I'm pinning it down to bad organisation and revision. The technique of answering these 2 papers must have been poor as all my other papers were great.

Something about physiological side of things that I don't get right. 20 Credit Module was "Renal, Respiratory and Endocrinology" and the 10 Credit module was "Neuropharmacology II". All my other modules are more chem and maths based, so I'm fine with them.

And I'm in 2 minds - getting a degree would open doors for an "easier" future and can help more financially or work now and start getting into the working world from the bottom (if I can find a job with what I've got)
16 May 2006
sounds like you should do straight chemistry? maybe?

I did have a very strong interest in Chemistry since A level, just didn't go straight into Chemistry as I wasn't entirely sure of the Chemistry career route back then and I wanted to try Medicine.

Now with a wider understanding, I know there can be quite a few routes for Chemistry, even then, the BSc itself opens doors just because I have it on papers (what a weird world we live in)

But realising it now is a couple years too late.
3 more years of studying; with this setback, I worry I'll mess up again in 2 years time and coming out yet again, empty handed with more debt?!
16 May 2006
My other module result isn't out yet, and as said before, I've got high doubt of passing it.

Anyway, spoke to my tutor today - he kinda helped my predicament with yet another option - (since my uni don't do straight Chemistry), with my 210credits, they can be put forward to 1.5 years of another course -- BSc Pharmaceutical Science. He ran through the modules with me and found that most of my 60s and 70s can be put into that course too (same units under different titles)

So long story short; there is that option; I'll do year 2 and year 3 of that course to come out with a degree. He strongly encourage coming out a degree - seeing as society is changing and everyone hold a degree, be it BSc or BA (or higher). Holding a BSc at least puts me in a competitive chance.

The careers prospect isn't as high as pharmacology but it's close (Guaranteed Job is none like Pharmacy).

He also mentioned the possibility of doing another course, start afresh. I did have a look and found a "very secure" prospective course, Radiography (be it Diagnosis or Therapeutic). NHS bursary too. However, it's not very chemistry based - but it's very much hands on type of course, with at least 12 weeks of work experience during course.

It's all very confusing right now; have to sleep on it before deciding.

The board meeting is on this coming Tuesday and my tutor predict they wouldn't compensate me.
16 May 2006
Travelling i dont think he is even from the UK, maybe i'm making that up though.

I'm not from the UK but I've settled here - now British and UK is my home. Can't go back Singapore due to National Service (government being picky on things) - but that's besides the point.

I personally would love to go out and travel. My initially plans were to pass my degree next year, work for some money then go out tour around Europe, America or just around UK (depending on my financial situation). All these planning looks good in the mind but setbacks like these kind screws it up abit.
16 May 2006
"Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up again..."

That quote will have to pull me through this. I hope.
I've got the official result for that unknown result; I've failed.

So now it's decision time... I've got till about 14th August to decide, as that's the "clearing" date for when Radiography may be offering open spaces for students to take up.
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