Help needed spec'ing gaming shuttle & TFT

1 May 2007
Manchester. UK

Having a problem deciding whether to buy a gaming laptop, or save some cash and get a shuttle & TFT monitor. I'll be spending mon-fri in nottingham, and weekends in manchester. Will be travelling by car, so won't be needing to use the system on the move, only when at my destinations.

Just wondering how much I can pick up a decent spec shuttle with monitor, if its a big saving over the laptop then I'll probably use that, if not then the laptop it is!

Spec wise I'm after..
Core 2 duo (E6600 or something?)
Decent Graphics card
H/D size, not that important.
Peripherals - keyboard & mouse.

Budget... Well the laptop is going to cost £1,000. So If I can price this up somewhere around £600 ish, then I'd be sold, although can stretch to a bit more for quality gear :D
Hello mate

I am not the worlds best speccer, but here's an idea, you could have the Shuttle SD32G2, this weeks special RAM, the SD32G2 doesn't support DDR2 800, but set it to 667 in the bios and you'll have loads of clocking room.

This weeks special memory



Shuttle SD32G2


That comes to £502.21 leaving loads for a keyboard, mouse, graphics card of your choice, I'm not up to date with graphics cards, check out the graphics card forum. Same with networking, it's got a PCI slot as well as a PCIe so I guess the wireless stuff would go there?
Just to say, I would recommend a shuttle if your not working on the move. I will have had mine 3 years in august. Lugging it to and from uni and to a few LANs fairly easily is why I bought it. I'd imagine you will get a better spec for the money as well.

I got a carry case for mine as well because it was on offer at the time. I put it in that and I'm ready to go.


Can you tell me what carry case that is aaazza? I'm looking into getting one soon for my shuttle.
Email sent!

Wozzer, thanks for the spec, something along them lines is definately what I'm after.

Aaazza, glad you found it easy to carry around, thats exactly what I was hoping for if I get it!
Might be worth considering two monitors, keyboards, etc. So it's only the barebones chassis just got to lug around.
Bane said:
Might be worth considering two monitors, keyboards, etc. So it's only the barebones chassis just got to lug around.

I'll be staying in a hotel, so can't leave personal items there during weekends, so will have to bring monitor/keyboard with me :(
I know this is going to seem silly, but why not get a more gaming orientated laptop if you have to take everything with you.
lsg1r said:
I know this is going to seem silly, but why not get a more gaming orientated laptop if you have to take everything with you.

Thats a fair point, and one I've considered a lot. The problem is, to get a laptop of similiar spec to what I want, I'd have to spend £1200 at least to get a dell m1710 with 2gb ram and decent graphics card - thats off ebay! Dell themselves want about £1500. I can't justify spending that much cash, when for about half that money I can get the system I want, although it won't be as easily portable.
Also what happens during the day when you leave the hotel and the maid service have access to your room? If this situation is applicable.
Bane said:
Also what happens during the day when you leave the hotel and the maid service have access to your room? If this situation is applicable.

Not considered that to be honest. The hotel is owned by the company I'll be working for, so only its employees will ever stay there. I'd assume that it would be safe to leave valuables in the room, however thats a good point, I'll check with them on Monday to see what they say!

At worse case scenario I'd be hiding the TFT under the bed and putting the base unit in the back of the car, lol.
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