Help Needed With OLED TV & Sound Set Up

7 Jan 2003
Gold Coast, Australia
Hey all,

Long time out of the TV and Audio Tech space, current TV is a Samsung Plasma from 2011 lol.

I am currently doing some renovation work in my lounge which will involve removing sheets from the wall so will have access to move power, networking, brush plates etc.

I have just bought an LG G1 65" OLED which I will be wall mounting and I am currently using a Yamaha YSP 1600 Soundbar with Sub.

I use Plex for my Blu Rays that I have ripped which have 5.1, 7.1 DTS, Atmos etc.

Questions I have are:

• Outside of power, CAT6 (thinking 2 in middle or wall and 2 at TV unit) and brush plates are there any extra things I need to include? I am also thinking a draw wire just in case I want to bring anything else down the wall in future.

• I find the whole eARC and Audio thing so confusing, what limitation(s) if any will my Yamaha setup have with the media I use and the TV? Will there be some functionality that I won't be getting with the Soundbar?

• I also have a monster PC (5900x + 3090) that I use for productivity and gaming that I was potentially thinking about hooking it up from another room. Would active fibre optic HDMI cables work over a distance of lets say 20-25m? If so which cables should I go for?

Any other thoughts and advice would be great.
Awesome, thanks so much for your help.

So will my current Yamaha Soundbar compress the audio?

I noticed the DTS not working last night as the Plex Server was transcoding the audio, is there a reason why DTS support was dropped? I think I will probably end up with a Nvidia Shield at some point to be honest.

Great to know about the optic cable, the PC sits central in the house and I am pretty confident I can reach both lounges with a couple of 20m cables which will be awesome.

How do you deal with USB devices, such as controllers and race wheels when the computer is in another room?
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